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Search: authors:"Ryuji Okamura"

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Left atrium mass in a patient with breast cancer: a case report

Background Left atrial thrombi have traditionally been treated with heparin and warfarin, and many physicians have limited experience with direct oral anticoagulants such as apixaban. Furthermore, the efficacy of apixaban for the treatment of left atrial thrombi has not been established. We experienced a case of left atrial thrombus formation before breast cancer surgery, which...

Left atrium mass in a patient with breast cancer: a case report

Left atrial thrombi have traditionally been treated with heparin and warfarin, and many physicians have limited experience with direct oral anticoagulants such as apixaban. Furthermore, the efficacy of apixaban for the treatment of left atrial thrombi has not been established. We experienced a case of left atrial thrombus formation before breast cancer surgery, which was resolved...