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Search: authors:"S. K. Frederiksen"

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Search for variants of the gene-promoter and the potential phosphotyrosine encoding sequence of the insulin receptor substrate-2 gene: evaluation of their relation with alterations in insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity

K. Almind S. K. Frederiksen D. Bernal T. Hansen L. Ambye S. Urhammer C. T. Ekstrm L. Berglund R. Reneland H. Lithell M. F. White E. Van Obberghen O. Pedersen Aims/hypothesis. The aim of this study

Common amino acid substitutions in insulin receptor substrate-4 are not associated with Type II diabetes mellitus or insulin resistance

The family of insulin receptor substrates (IRS1–4) is defined by proteins with an overall similar structure. IRS-1 and IRS-2 have been shown to have key roles in cellular transmission of the action of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 and various cytokines. We have previously identified amino acid polymorphisms in the human IRS-1 and IRS-2 proteins. Given the documented...