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Search: authors:"Samuel Negredo"

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Newspaper Video Content: Genres and Editorial Formats in Spain

0 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n : N e w P r o v i d e r s o f A u d i o v i s u a l N e w s o n t h e W e b 1 Samuel Negredo Departamento de Proyectos Period ́ısticos Facultad de Comunicacio ́n ... constrained by schedule or time (of broadcast) as with traditional broadcasts. This results in a more efficient and reactive production. Samuel Negredo holds a PhD in Communication (2013) and an MA in Online

Newspaper Video Content: Genres and Editorial Formats in Spain

VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture Vol. 0 Samuel Negredo Departamento de Proyectos Period ́ısticos Facultad de Comunicacio ́n Universidad de Navarra 31009 Pamplona , Navarra ... evolve, they are not constrained by schedule or time (of broadcast) as with traditional broadcasts. This results in a more efficient and reactive production. Samuel Negredo holds a PhD in Communication

Aproximación metodológica al estudio de la innovación en periodismo

This article presents a methodology to study journalism innovation in the industry trying to overcome the perspective of innovation as a technology adoption. We aim to adapt the standard typology of industrial innovation into the area of journalism. Therefore, our tool elaborates on the following four areas: a) the product or service itself, b) production and distribution...

Methodological approach to research journalism innovation

This article presents a methodology to study journalism innovation in the industry trying to overcome the perspective of innovation as a technology adoption. We aim to adapt the standard typology of industrial innovation into the area of journalism. Therefore, our tool elaborates on the following four areas: a) the product or service itself, b) production and distribution...