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Search: authors:"Sasijit Vejbaesya"

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HLA Class I Supertype Associations With Clinical Outcome of Secondary Dengue Virus Infections in Ethnic Thais

Background. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) supertypes are groups of functionally related alleles that present structurally similar antigens to the immune system. Objectives. To analyze HLA class I supertype associations with clinical outcome in hospitalized Thai children with acute dengue illness. Methods. Seven hundred sixty-two patients and population-matched controls recruited...

TNF and LTA Gene, Allele, and Extended HLA Haplotype Associations with Severe Dengue Virus Infection in Ethnic Thais

Severe dengue virus (DENV) infection is characterized by a cascade of cytokine production, including the production of tumor necrosis factor–α (TNF-α) and lymphotoxin-α (LT-α). We have analyzed a variety of polymorphisms in the TNF and LTA genes of 435 ethnic Thais who had subclinical DENV infection, primary or secondary dengue fever (DF), or primary or secondary dengue...