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Search: authors:"Seyed Mahmood Ghaffari"

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Chromosome number and meiotic behavior in several plant taxa from Iran

Original meiotic or both meiotic and mitotic chromosome numbers are reported for ten endemic and one non endemic species in nine vascular plant families from Iran. The chromosome numbers of Acantholimon schahrudicum, A. truncatum, Anthochlamys multinervis, Campanula perpusilla, Cousinia calcitrapa var. interrupta, Dorema ammoniacum, Euphorbia gedrosiaca, and Hyocyamus orthocarpus...

Electromagnetic field in human sperm cryopreservation improves fertilizing potential of thawed sperm through physicochemical modification of water molecules in freezing medium

at Reproduction Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute in Tehran, Iran. Formal analysis: Dariush Gholami, Abdolhossein Shahverdi, Mohsen Sharafi. Funding acquisition: Seyed Mahmood Ghaffari ... Shahverdi, Mohsen Sharafi. Project administration: Abdolhossein Shahverdi. Supervision: Seyed Mahmood Ghaffari, Gholamhossein Riazi, Abdolhossein Shahverdi, Mohsen Sharafi. Writing – original draft: Dariush

ACE- inhibitory and radical scavenging activities of bioactive peptides obtained from camel milk casein hydrolysis with proteinase K

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of enzymatic hydrolysis of camel whole casein on their antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory properties. Whole camel casein was hydrolyzed by proteinase K (PK), and the hydrolysates were fractionized by ultrafiltration membranes into three fractions. Semi-preparative reversed-phase high-performance liquid...