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Search: authors:"Soo-Geun Jo"

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A novel method to depurate β-lactam antibiotic residues by administration of a broad-spectrum β-lactamase enzyme in fish tissues

Lee 0 Soo-Geun Jo 0 Kwan Ha Park 0 0 Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, College of Ocean Sciences, Kunsan National University , San-68 Miryong-Dong, Gunsan City, Jeonbuk , South Korea As a novel

A novel method to depurate β-lactam antibiotic residues by administration of a broad-spectrum β-lactamase enzyme in fish tissues

As a novel strategy to remove β-lactam antibiotic residues from fish tissues, utilization of β-lactamase, enzyme that normally degrades β-lactam structure-containing drugs, was explored. The enzyme (TEM-52) selectively degraded β-lactam antibiotics but was completely inactive against tetracycline-, quinolone-, macrolide-, or aminoglycoside-structured antibacterials. After...