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Search: authors:"Stephanie M Quigg"

5 papers found.
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Understanding experiences of patients and family caregivers in the Mayo Clinic Care Transitions program: a qualitative study

Understanding experiences of patients and family caregivers in the Mayo Clinic Care Transitions program: a qualitative study Paul Y Takahashi,1 Dawn M Finnie,2 Stephanie M Quigg,1 Lynn S Borkenhagen

Predictors of sedentary status in overweight and obese patients with multiple chronic conditions: a cohort study

Predictors of sedentary status in overweight and obese patients with multiple chronic conditions: a cohort study Mark H Joven, Ivana T Croghan, Stephanie M Quigg, Jon O Ebbert, Paul Y Takahashi

Predictors of sedentary status in overweight and obese patients with multiple chronic conditions: a cohort study

Predictors of sedentary status in overweight and obese patients with multiple chronic conditions: a cohort study Mark H Joven, Ivana T Croghan, Stephanie M Quigg, Jon O Ebbert, Paul Y Takahashi

Effect of pedometer use and goal setting on walking and functional status in overweight adults with multimorbidity: a crossover clinical trial

Effect of pedometer use and goal setting on walking and functional status in overweight adults with multimorbidity: a crossover clinical trial Paul Y Takahashi,1 Stephanie M Quigg,1 Ivana T Croghan,1

30-day hospital readmission of older adults using care transitions after hospitalization: a pilot prospective cohort study

30-day hospital readmission of older adults using care transitions after hospitalization: a pilot prospective cohort study Paul Y Takahashi,1 Lindsey R Haas,2 Stephanie M Quigg,1 Ivana T Croghan,1