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Search: authors:"Takashi Kusaka"

2 papers found.
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Dynamical Contraction of Infinite Plane-Symmetric Gas Clouds

The dynamical collapse of infinite plane-symmetric gas could is investigated as a limiting case in order to clarify the final phases of collapse of non-spherical clouds. It is shown that a contracting plane-symmetric cloud bounces when and only when γ is positive. The dynamical evolution of infinite plane-symmetric clouds is investigated up to the onset stage of quasistatic...

Growth of Solid Particles in the Primordial Solar Nebula

Some processes which are expected to lead to the growth of solid particles in the primordial solar nebula are investigated for two evolutionary phases of the nebula; one is the early phase when the nebula was contracting nearly freely, and the other is the later phase after it flattened into a gaseous disk which is rotating about the protosun. For the free-fall phase, the...