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Search: authors:"Tanmoy Paul"

11 papers found.
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Dynamical suppression of spacetime torsion

. Das, S. SenGupta, Phys. Lett. B 698, 311–318 (2011)ADSCrossRefGoogle Scholar 26. Emilio Elizalde, Sergei D. Odintsov, Tanmoy Paul, Diego Sáez-Chillón Gómez, Phys. Rev. D 99(6), 063506 (2019

Induction of inflammatory response in human cell lines by arsenic-contaminated soil-isolated bacterium Micrococcus sp. KUMAs15

BackgroundAn arsenic-resistant microbial strain, Micrococcus sp. KUMAs15 isolated from West Bengal, India, has demonstrated high resistance to arsenic due to its arsenic accumulation and adsorption ability, establishing the strain as a potential arsenic bioremediation candidate for arsenic-contaminated niche. The successful field application of the microbe necessitates evaluation...

Viable non-singular cosmic bounce in holonomy improved F(R) gravity endowed with a Lagrange multiplier

Matter and quasi-matter bounce scenarios are studied for an F(R) gravity model with holonomy corrections and a Lagrange multiplier, with a scale factor \(a(t) = \left( a_0t^2 + 1 \right) ^n\), where the Hubble parameter squared has a linear and a quadratic dependence on the effective energy density. Provided \(n < 1/2\), it is shown that the primordial curvature perturbations are...

A possible testbed for warped extra dimension from the angle of Buchdahl’s limit

We consider a five dimensional AdS warped spacetime in presence of a massive scalar field in the bulk. The scalar field potential fulfills the requirement of modulus stabilization even when the effect of backreaction of the stabilizing field is taken into account. In such a scenario, we investigate the possible role of modulus field on a compact stellar structure from the...

Radion tunneling in modified theories of gravity

We consider a five dimensional warped spacetime where the bulk geometry is governed by higher curvature F(R) gravity. In this model, we determine the modulus potential originating from the scalar degree of freedom of higher curvature gravity. In the presence of this potential, we investigate the possibility of modulus (radion) tunneling leading to an instability in the brane...

Scalar field collapse in Gauss–Bonnet gravity

We consider a “scalar-Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet” theory in four dimension, where the scalar field couples non-minimally with the Gauss–Bonnet (GB) term. This coupling with the scalar field ensures the non-topological character of the GB term. In this scenario, we examine the possibility for collapsing of the scalar field. Our result reveals that such a collapse is possible in the...

Inflationary scenario from higher curvature warped spacetime

We consider a five dimensional warped spacetime, in presence of the higher curvature term like \(F(R) = R + \alpha R^2\) in the bulk, in the context of the two-brane model. Our universe is identified with the TeV scale brane and emerges as a four dimensional effective theory. From the perspective of this effective theory, we examine the possibility of “inflationary scenario” by...

Viable inflationary models in a ghost-free Gauss–Bonnet theory of gravity

In this work we investigate the inflationary phenomenological implications of a recently developed ghost-free Gauss–Bonnet theory of gravity. The resulting theory can be viewed as a scalar Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet theory of gravity, so by employing the formalism for cosmological perturbations for the latter theory, we calculate the slow-roll indices and the observational indices...

Fermion localization in higher curvature and scalar–tensor theories of gravity

It is well known that, in a braneworld model, the localization of fermions on a lower dimensional submanifold (say a TeV 3-brane) is governed by the gravity in the bulk, which also determines the corresponding phenomenology on the brane. Here we consider a five dimensional warped spacetime where the bulk geometry is governed by higher curvature like F(R) gravity. In such a...

Radion stabilization in higher curvature warped spacetime

We consider a five dimensional AdS spacetime in presence of higher curvature term like \(F(R) = R + \alpha R^2\) in the bulk. In this model, we examine the possibility of modulus stabilization from the scalar degrees of freedom of higher curvature gravity free of ghosts. Our result reveals that the model stabilizes itself and the mechanism of modulus stabilization can be argued...

Bouncing cosmology from warped extra dimensional scenario

From the perspective of four dimensional effective theory on a two brane warped geometry model, we examine the possibility of “bouncing phenomena”on our visible brane. Our results reveal that the presence of a warped extra dimension lead to a non-singular bounce on the brane scale factor and hence can remove the “big-bang singularity”. We also examine the possible parametric...