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Search: authors:"Toshiaki Tsuji"

5 papers found.
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Histology of metastatic colorectal cancer in a lymph node

Matsumura, Katsuya Ueda, Shotaro Nagano, Ikuharu Kinoshita, Daisuke Murakami, Hirotaka Tabata, Toshiaki Tsuji, Satoru Ozawa, Takuya Tamaki, Yoshihiro Nakatani. Formal analysis: Shozo Yokoyama. Investigation

Development of friction free controller for electro-hydrostatic actuator using feedback modulator and disturbance observer

Hydraulic actuators have high power-to-weight ratios, making them suitable for high-power robotic applications such as in walking robots and construction machines. However, large frictional forces in hydraulic actuators, rotary hydraulic actuators in particular, degrade the control performance. To suppress frictional forces and increase robustness against modeling errors, this...

Prevention of Internal Hernia During Robotic Total Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer

BackgroundPostoperative internal hernia (IH) is a potentially life-threatening acute protrusion of viscus through an iatrogenic mesenteric defect. In our retrospective study of 1943 consecutive gastric cancer (GC) patients who had undergone surgery, the incidence of IH after laparoscopic total gastrectomy (LTG) was 4.9%.1 This high incidence seems to be caused by decreased...

Whole-body tactile sensing through a force sensor using soft materials in contact areas

A force/torque sensor is a useful tool for detecting an external force acting on a robot. Techniques to detect a contact position from a single force/torque sensor have also been developed, but these have used rigid materials in the contact areas. In terms of safety, the material should have shock-absorbing characteristics. Hence, this paper investigates the use of a urethane...

Inhibition of IL-17A in Tumor Microenvironment Augments Cytotoxicity of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Tumor-Bearing Mice

It remains controversial whether IL-17A promotes or inhibits cancer progression. We hypothesized that IL-17A that is locally produced in the tumor microenvironment has an important role in angiogenesis and tumor immunity. We investigated the effect of inhibiting IL-17A at tumor sites on tumor growth and on local and systemic anti-tumor immunity. MC38 or B16 cells were inoculated...