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Search: authors:"Victor González-Castro"

2 papers found.
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Application of Texture Analysis to Study Small Vessel Disease and Blood–Brain Barrier Integrity

ObjectivesWe evaluate the alternative use of texture analysis for evaluating the role of blood–brain barrier (BBB) in small vessel disease (SVD).MethodsWe used brain magnetic resonance imaging from 204 stroke patients, acquired before and 20 min after intravenous gadolinium administration. We segmented tissues, white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and applied validated visual...

On the computational assessment of white matter hyperintensity progression: difficulties in method selection and bias field correction performance on images with significant white matter pathology

Introduction Subtle inhomogeneities in the scanner’s magnetic fields (B0 and B1) alter the intensity levels of the structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) affecting the volumetric assessment of WMH changes. Here, we investigate the influence that (1) correcting the images for the B1 inhomogeneities (i.e. bias field correction (BFC)) and (2) selection of the WMH change...