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Search: authors:"Wan-Hui Liu"

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Charge Variants of an Avastin Biosimilar Isolation, Characterization, In Vitro Properties and Pharmacokinetics in Rat

Zhao and Wan-Hui Liu are employed by Luye Pharma Group Ltd. Luye Pharma Group Ltd provided support in the form of salaries for authors, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data ... of post-translational Competing Interests: The authors have the following interests: Authors Yan-Yan Zhao, Wan-Hui Liu, Wen-Jie Tao, Li-Li Liu and Zhen-Duo Shen are employed by Luye Pharma Group Ltd

Pharmacokinetic characteristics of vincristine sulfate liposomes in patients with advanced solid tumors

the research; Zhao YAN, Zhong-ling ZHU, Hua-qing WANG, Ge HU, Zheng-zi QIAN, Wan-hui LIU, and Guang CHENG performed the research; Zhao YAN and Zhong-ling ZHU analyzed the data; Zhao YAN and Zhong-ling ... • Google ScholarSearch for Ge Hu in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Hua-qing Wang in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Wan-hui Liu in:Nature Research