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Search: authors:"Xiangru Liao"

7 papers found.
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Preparation and evaluation of bilayer-core osmotic pump tablets contained topiramate

clinical safety. Supporting information S1 Data. (XLSX) Author Contributions Conceptualization: Xiangru Liao, Xiangyang Xie. Data curation: Yinke Li. Formal analysis: Wei Tian. Funding acquisition ... : Wen Lin. Investigation: Wen Lin, Yinke Li, Xiangru Liao, Yuan Zeng. Methodology: Wen Lin, Yinke Li, Qiongzhi Shi, Xiangru Liao. Project administration: Xiangyang Xie, Hui Liu. 20 / 22 Resources: Wen

Enhanced hypocrellin production of Shiraia sp. SUPER-H168 by overexpression of alpha-amylase gene

at 2015 (Grant No. 205020502), Six Talent Peak Program at 2016 (Grant No. SWYY-126). Author Contributions Conceptualization: Ruijie Gao, Xiangru Liao, Yujie Cai. 19 / 22 Data curation: Ruijie Gao ... Gao, Huaxiang Deng, Xiangru Liao. Project administration: Yujie Cai. Resources: Ruijie Gao, Yujie Cai. Validation: Zhengbing Guan, Ye Zhao, Yujie Cai. Writing ? original draft: Ruijie Gao. Writing

Antifungal Activity of Isolated Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SYBC H47 for the Biocontrol of Peach Gummosis

The gummosis disease is caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug. ex. Fr) Ces. et de Not., and it is one of the most important diseases of stone fruits worldwide. The use of biocontrol as an alternative approach to synthetic chemical fungicides has aroused general concern about how to control plant diseases that are caused by phytopathogens. The aim of this study is to isolate...

Hydrogen Peroxide-Resistant CotA and YjqC of Bacillus altitudinis Spores Are a Promising Biocatalyst for Catalyzing Reduction of Sinapic Acid and Sinapine in Rapeseed Meal

For the more efficient detoxification of phenolic compounds, a promising avenue would be to develop a multi-enzyme biocatalyst comprising peroxidase, laccase and other oxidases. However, the development of this multi-enzyme biocatalyst is limited by the vulnerability of fungal laccases and peroxidases to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced inactivation. Therefore, H2O2-resistant...

The rhizospheric microbial community structure and diversity of deciduous and evergreen forests in Taihu Lake area, China

Soil bacteria are important drivers of biogeochemical cycles and participate in many nutrient transformations in the soil. Meanwhile, bacterial diversity and community composition are related to soil physic-chemical properties and vegetation factors. However, how the soil and vegetation factors affect the diversity and community composition of bacteria is poorly understood...

Optimization of nutrition factors on chitinase production from a newly isolated Chitiolyticbacter meiyuanensis SYBC-H1

The present study reports statistical medial optimization for chitinase production by a novel bacterial strain isolated from soil recently, which the name Chitinolyticbacter meiyuanensis SYBC-H1 is proposed. A sequential statistical methodology comprising of Plackett-Burman and response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to enhance the fermentative production of chitinase, in...

Optimization of nutrition factors on chitinase production from a newly isolated Chitiolyticbacter meiyuanensis SYBC-H1

The present study reports statistical medial optimization for chitinase production by a novel bacterial strain isolated from soil recently, which the name Chitinolyticbacter meiyuanensis SYBC-H1 is proposed. A sequential statistical methodology comprising of Plackett-Burman and response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to enhance the fermentative production of chitinase, in...