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Search: authors:"Xingruo Zeng"

3 papers found.
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XIAP BIR domain suppresses miR-200a expression and subsequently promotes EGFR protein translation and anchorage-independent growth of bladder cancer cell

Background The X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is a well-known potent apoptosis suppressor and also participates in cancer cell biological behaviors, therefore attracting great attentions as a potential antineoplastic therapeutic target for past years. Anti-IAP therapy is reported to be closely related to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression level...

XIAP BIR domain suppresses miR-200a expression and subsequently promotes EGFR protein translation and anchorage-independent growth of bladder cancer cell

, Xingruo Zeng†1, Guosong Jiang†1, Xin Liao1, Claire Liu1, Jingxia Li1, Honglei Jin1, 2, Junlan Zhu1, 2, Hong Sun1, Xue-Ru Wu3, 4 and Chuanshu Huang1Email author †Contributed equally Journal of

Clinical outcomes of dialysis patients with COVID-19 in the initial phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China

from all causes excluding COVID-19 during the epidemic cannot be ignored. Hemodialysis; Peritoneal dialysis; COVID-19; Clinical outcome; Uremia - Xingruo Zeng, Xiaomei Huang, and Li Xu have