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Search: authors:"Xiu-ling Xu"

2 papers found.
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Progress and prospects in stem cell therapy

) (81271266, 31222039), the Thousand Young Talents program of China, the National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules (013kf05, 2013kf11), and State Key Laboratory of Drug Research (SIMM1302KF-17). Xiu-ling XU is ... Physiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 265 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305, USAFei Yi AuthorsSearch for Xiu-ling Xu in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Fei Yi

Direct reprogramming of porcine fibroblasts to neural progenitor cells

Glenn Foundation and The Ellison Medical Foundation. All the authors (Xiu-Ling Xu, Ji-Ping Yang, Li-Na Fu, Ruo-Tong Ren, Fei Yi, Keiichiro Suzuki, Kai Liu, Zhi-Chao Ding, Jing Qu, Wei-Qi Zhang, Ying Li