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Search: authors:"Yi Song"

3 papers found.
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The pathological changes in the spinal cord after dural tear with and without autologous fascia repair

Purpose Dural tear is one of the common complications of spinal surgery leading to cerebrospinal fluid leakage followed by serial secondary symptoms. However, little is known about pathological changes of the spinal cord after dural tear. In the present study, we aimed to study the pathological changes in the spinal cord after dural tear with and without autologous fascia repair...

The NifTK software platform for image-guided interventions: platform overview and NiftyLink messaging

Matthew J. Clarkson Gergely Zombori Steve Thompson Johannes Totz Yi Song Miklos Espak Stian Johnsen David Hawkes Sbastien Ourselin Purpose To perform research in image-guided interventions

Locally rigid, vessel-based registration for laparoscopic liver surgery

Purpose Laparoscopic liver resection has significant advantages over open surgery due to less patient trauma and faster recovery times, yet is difficult for most lesions due to the restricted field of view and lack of haptic feedback. Image guidance provides a potential solution but is challenging in a soft deforming organ such as the liver. In this paper, we therefore propose a...