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Search: authors:"Yimeng Kong"

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De novo assembly of transcriptome from next-generation sequencing data

(Nos. 31571310 and 31271409). COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICS GUIDELINES The authors Xuan Li, Yimeng Kong, Qiong-Yi Zhao, Yuan-Yuan Li and Pei Hao declare they have no conflict of interests. This article does

Identification of molecular processes needed for vascular formation through transcriptome analysis of different vascular systems

Background Vascular system formation has been studied through molecular and genetic approaches in Arabidopsis, a herbaceous dicot that is used as a model system. Different vascular systems have developed in other plants such as crops and trees. Uncovering shared mechanisms underlying vascular development by transcriptome analysis of different vascular systems may help to transfer...

Identification of molecular processes needed for vascular formation through transcriptome analysis of different vascular systems

Vascular system formation has been studied through molecular and genetic approaches in Arabidopsis, a herbaceous dicot that is used as a model system. Different vascular systems have developed in other plants such as crops and trees. Uncovering shared mechanisms underlying vascular development by transcriptome analysis of different vascular systems may help to transfer knowledge...

Conservation and functional influence of alternative splicing in wood formation of Populus and Eucalyptus

Peng Xu 0 Yimeng Kong 0 Dongliang Song Cheng Huang Xuan Li Laigeng Li 0 Equal contributors National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics and Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, Institute of