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Search: authors:"Yingying Deng"

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TRIM52 promotes colorectal cancer cell proliferation through the STAT3 signaling

therapeutic target for CRC treatment. Notes Shengli Pan and Yingying Deng contributed equally to this work Abbreviations CRC:  colorectal cancer STAT3:  signal transducer and activator of

Decreased expression of ARHGAP15 promotes the development of colorectal cancer through PTEN/AKT/FOXO1 axis

Copious evidence demonstrates the crucial role of Rho GTPase-activating proteins in human malignancies. The downregulation of Rho GTPase-activating protein 15 (ARHGAP15), a Rac1-specific GAP, has been observed in glioma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The present study explored the expression in colorectal cancer (CRC) by quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry...

Validation of the Chinese version of the FOUR score in the assessment of neurosurgical patients with different level of consciousness

Department of Nursing, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University , Guangdong 510515 , China 2 Juan Peng and Yingying Deng are co-first authors Background: The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is currently the

Validation of the Chinese version of the FOUR score in the assessment of neurosurgical patients with different level of consciousness

 Peng†1, Yingying Deng†2, Fangyao Chen3, Xiaomei Zhang4, Xiaoyan Wang2, Ying Zhou5, Hongzhen Zhou1Email author and Binghui Qiu2Email author †Contributed equally BMC Neurology201515:254 https ... Juan Peng and Yingying Deng are co-first authors. Juan Peng and Yingying Deng contributed equally to this work. Abbreviations AUC:  areas under the curve ESICM:  European Society of Intensive

Interaction of body mass index and hemoglobin concentration on blood pressure among pregnant women in Guangxi, China

Background Body mass index (BMI) and hemoglobin (Hb) are positively associated with hypertensive disorders among pregnant women. The aim of this study was to estimate a potential interaction between high BMI and high Hb concentrations on systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in pregnancy. Methods We recruited 4497 single-birth women aged 18–43 years who...

Interaction of body mass index and hemoglobin concentration on blood pressure among pregnant women in Guangxi, China

Public Health, 22 Shuangyong Road, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021, ChinaQiuan Zhong, Yingying Deng, Jinlan Hu, Xiaofei Li & Xiaoqiang QiuDepartment of Pediatrics, Nanning Maternal and Child Health Hospital ... Search for Jiangyan Xu in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Yingquan Long in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Yingying Deng in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Jinlan Hu in:PubMed • Google Scholar