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Search: authors:"Yongtao Ma"

3 papers found.
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Influence Factors Analysis of RC Beams under Falling Weight Impact Based on HJC Model

Impact loads may cause serious or even fatal damage to the structure (component), in most existing specifications in China, and there are no special terms that take impact load into consideration. So, the response analysis of the structure (component) under impact loads is very important. In this paper, the sensitivity analysis was conducted for the 22 parameters of the Holmquist...

Influence Factors Analysis of RC Beams under Falling Weight Impact Based on HJC Model

Impact loads may cause serious or even fatal damage to the structure (component), in most existing specifications in China, and there are no special terms that take impact load into consideration. So, the response analysis of the structure (component) under impact loads is very important. In this paper, the sensitivity analysis was conducted for the 22 parameters of the Holmquist...

An improved k-NN algorithm for localization in multipath environments

To improve the localization accuracy in multipath environments, this paper presents an effective localization approach with the utilization of reference tags. In this approach, an improved k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm is proposed based on radio-frequency (RF) phases. The traditional k-NN algorithm only focuses on the weighting factors of the coordinates of the selected...