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Search: authors:"Yoshihiro Miyake"

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Interactive cueing with walk-Mate for Hemiparetic Stroke Rehabilitation

(SSTCORP., Nagano Japan) as an non-commercial-available device under the leadership of Yoshihiro Miyake as a author of this study, uses rhythmic auditory stimulation to improve locomotion rhythm. Users wear

Interactive Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation Reinstates Natural 1/f Timing in Gait of Parkinson's Patients

Parkinson's disease (PD) and basal ganglia dysfunction impair movement timing, which leads to gait instability and falls. Parkinsonian gait consists of random, disconnected stride times—rather than the 1/f structure observed in healthy gait—and this randomness of stride times (low fractal scaling) predicts falling. Walking with fixed-tempo Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS) can...