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Search: authors:"Yufeng Deng"

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Caveolin-3 promotes glycometabolism, growth and proliferation in muscle cells

described in manuscript. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Jing Xian, Wensheng Lu, Qin Huang. Data curation: Lina Shang, Yufeng Deng, Yiyuan Huang. Formal analysis: Lina Shang. Funding acquisition ... : Qin Huang. Investigation: Lina Shang, Tingting Chen. Methodology: Lina Shang, Tingting Chen, Yufeng Deng, Yiyuan Huang, Lihui Yang. Project administration: Jing Xian, Wensheng Lu, Qin Huang

A preliminary examination of the diagnostic value of deep learning in hip osteoarthritis

. Competing interests: We have the following interests: Rongguo Zhang, Yufeng Deng, and Kuan Chen are employed by Infervision. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This