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Search: authors:"Yuri M. Ganushchak"

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Oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption and decreased kidney function after cardiopulmonary bypass

has individual O2 needs, advocating for an individualized O2 delivery goal instead of a generic DO2crit level. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Rik H. J. Hendrix, Yuri M. Ganushchak, Patrick W ... . Weerwind. Data curation: Rik H. J. Hendrix, Yuri M. Ganushchak, Patrick W. Weerwind. Formal analysis: Rik H. J. Hendrix, Yuri M. Ganushchak, Patrick W. Weerwind. Investigation: Rik H. J. Hendrix, Yuri M

The role of patient's profile and allogeneic blood transfusion in development of post-cardiac surgery infections: a retrospective study

OBJECTIVES We aimed to investigate the association of patient characteristics and allogeneic blood transfusion products in development of post-cardiac surgery nosocomial infections.

Quantification of recirculation as an adjuvant to transthoracic echocardiography for optimization of dual-lumen extracorporeal life support

Erik P. J. Korver Yuri M. Ganushchak Antoine P. Simons Dirk W. Donker Jos G. Maessen Patrick W. Weerwind 0 1 0 D. W. Donker Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Maastricht University Medical

1st International Symposium on Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation Technologies, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13–14 June 2014

pathology or transplantation. Disclosure: None declared. 012 A VERSATILE MINIMIZED SYSTEM: THE STEP TOWARDS SAFE PERFUSION Yuri M. Ganushchak, E.P.J. Krver, Y. Yamamoto, P.W. Weerwind Maastricht University