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Search: authors:"Yusuke Sato"

4 papers found.
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A structural equation model to test a conceptual framework of oral health in Japanese edentulous patients with an item weighting method using factor score weights: a cross-sectional study

To investigate Locker’s multidimensional model of oral health in Japanese edentulous patients with an item weighting method using factor score weights, which is more accurate than the sum scoring method. A previous study tested Locker’s model in edentulous elders in the UK, using empirical evidence from the Short-Form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). Investigating the model...

Learning effects of different training models for border molding from the perspective of dental students

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different practical training models on the comprehension and evaluation of practical training among dental students. The study subjects were all sixth-year dental students at our institute, and the study took place over three consecutive years (n = 58, 63, and 65, respectively). In practical training, all students learned...

Reliability and validity of a questionnaire for self-assessment of complete dentures

Background Demand for complete denture treatment is expected to rise over several decades. However, to date, no questionnaire on complete dentures, as evaluated by edentulous patients, has been shown to be reliable and valid. This study sought to assess the reliability and validity of Patient’s Denture Assessment (PDA), which provides a multidimensional evaluation of dentures...

Reliability and validity of a questionnaire for self-assessment of complete dentures

Demand for complete denture treatment is expected to rise over several decades. However, to date, no questionnaire on complete dentures, as evaluated by edentulous patients, has been shown to be reliable and valid. This study sought to assess the reliability and validity of Patient’s Denture Assessment (PDA), which provides a multidimensional evaluation of dentures among...