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Search: authors:"Zelin Wang"

4 papers found.
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Big Data Digging of the Public’s Cognition about Recycled Water Reuse Based on the BP Neural Network

Reuse of recycled water is very important to both the environment and economy, while the public cognition degree towards recycled water reuse also plays a key role in this process, and it determines the acceptance degree of the public towards recycled water reuse. Under the background of the big data, the Hadoop platform was used to collect and save data about the public’s...

Big Data Digging of the Public’s Cognition about Recycled Water Reuse Based on the BP Neural Network

Reuse of recycled water is very important to both the environment and economy, while the public cognition degree towards recycled water reuse also plays a key role in this process, and it determines the acceptance degree of the public towards recycled water reuse. Under the background of the big data, the Hadoop platform was used to collect and save data about the public’s...

Big Data Digging of the Public’s Cognition about Recycled Water Reuse Based on the BP Neural Network

Reuse of recycled water is very important to both the environment and economy, while the public cognition degree towards recycled water reuse also plays a key role in this process, and it determines the acceptance degree of the public towards recycled water reuse. Under the background of the big data, the Hadoop platform was used to collect and save data about the public’s...

Chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol nanoscale liquid film-forming system facilitates MRSA-infected wound healing by enhancing antibacterial and antibiofilm properties

Feng, Yuzhi Du, Zhen Song, Yanan Tong, Liuyang Yang, Zelin Wang, Hao Zeng, Quanming Zou, Hongwu Sun National Engineering Research Center of Immunological Products & Department of Microbiology and