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Search: authors:"Zhiqiu Gao"

7 papers found.
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Parabolic dependence of the drag coefficient on wind speed from aircraft eddy-covariance measurements over the tropical Eastern Pacific

grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their careful review and valuable comments, which led to substantial improvement of the manuscript. Author contributions Zhiqiu Gao and Wenwu Peng gathered and ... processed the measurements, Zhiqiu Gao wrote the original draft, Chole Y. Gao and Yubin Li revised and edited the manuscript. Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. Additional

Estimate of Boundary-Layer Depth Over Beijing, China, Using Doppler Lidar Data During SURF-2015

Planetary boundary-layer (PBL) structure was investigated using observations from a Doppler lidar and the 325-m Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) meteorological tower in the centre of Beijing during the summer 2015 Study of Urban-impacts on Rainfall and Fog/haze (SURF-2015) field campaign. Using six fair-weather days of lidar and tower data under clear to cloudy skies, we...

Scalar Flux–Gradient Relationships Under Unstable Conditions over Water in Coastal Regions

The scalar flux–gradient relationships of temperature (\(\phi _{T}\)) and specific humidity (\(\phi _{q}\)) under unstable conditions are investigated using eddy-covariance measurements of air–sea turbulent fluxes and vertical profiles of temperature and specific humidity collected from a marine meteorological platform. The gradients of temperature and specific humidity are...

An Improved Approach for Parameterizing Surface-Layer Turbulent Transfer Coefficients in Numerical Models

Yubin Li Zhiqiu Gao Donald H. Lenschow Fei Chen Based on classic iterative computation results, new equations to calculate the surface turbulent transfer coefficients are proposed, which allow for