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Search: authors:"yin yingmei"

3 papers found.
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Comparison of Asphalt Mixtures Designed Using the Marshall and Improved GTM Methods

The Marshall method is today considered the standard method of asphalt mixture design for practical engineering applications. By using this method, engineering designers reap the benefits of its easy implementation and inexpensive equipment requirements. However, the Marshall method also has shortcomings and limitations, such as the difficulty in simulating the actual working...

Comparison of Asphalt Mixtures Designed Using the Marshall and Improved GTM Methods

The Marshall method is today considered the standard method of asphalt mixture design for practical engineering applications. By using this method, engineering designers reap the benefits of its easy implementation and inexpensive equipment requirements. However, the Marshall method also has shortcomings and limitations, such as the difficulty in simulating the actual working...

Study on Brazilian splitting test of bedding limestone slope deformation failure

xu zhancheng yin yingmei yu miao yu zhitao Limestone geology is widely distributed in south china area (hot and humid), and number of limestone slopes would be generated in traffic, water