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Search: Political Philosophy

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Food Advertising Targeted at Children: Examining the Effects of Parent’s Personal Moral Philosophy, Parenting Style, and Gender

of personal moral philosophy of parents and their parenting style on their attitudes toward advertising targeted at children. Morover, most of the existing research focuses on only mother-child ... of parents about the issue including situational factors (i.e. age and gender of the children) and individual differences (i.e. moral philosophy, ethical judgments, parenting style) (Chan and McNeal

Social, technical-economic, environmental and political assessment for the evaluation of transport modes for petroleum products

, environmental, social and political factors being equally important, following the concepts of sustainable development. In general, only aspects related to investment, construction, equipment acquisition and ... of knowledge expressed by environmental, political, social and technical-economic dimensions and uses technical analysis and mathematical tools that configure its systemic character (Rigolin, 2013

Social, technical-economic, environmental and political assessment for the evaluation of transport modes for petroleum products

petroleum derived products, in a Case Study. The method deals with technical, economic, environmental, social and political factors being equally important, following the concepts of sustainable development ... of knowledge expressed by environmental, political, social and technical-economic dimensions and uses technical analysis and mathematical tools that configure its systemic character (Rigolin, 2013

Bölgesel Bir Kompleks Olarak Mağrip

This article aims to evaluate Maghreb’s regionness by analyzing its historical experience, political organization and regional security dynamics. The concept of regionness and five levels of ... , F. (2000). Theorising the Rise of Regionness. New Political Economy, 5(3), 457-472. Kaplan, M. (2005). System and Process in International Relations. Colchester: ECPR Press. Keenan, J.H. (2006

1 Kasım 2015 Genel Seçimleri Parti Bildirgelerinde Eğitim, Kütüphane ve Bilgi Temaları

In the political election period, not only politicians and voters who have different expectations and priorities also find themselves close to politics and they see themselves as a politics actor. In

1982 Anayasası’nın Siyasi Partilere İlişkin Düzenlemeleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Political parties are the vital elements of modern democratic regimes. Today, for a democracy, the existence of more than one political parties and fair and free competition of these parties is a ... düzenlemeleri, zaman içerisinde bu düzenlemelerde gerçekleştirilen değişiklikler ve son olarak da Anayasa'da siyasi partilere kapatma yaptırımı uygulanacak hükümler incelenecektir. 1982 Constitution; Political

Âşık Ömer Uluşen’in şiirlerinde dinî ve tasavvufî temayüller

perspective on life, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, it is possible to see the world. The existing works that reflect how the inner world and philosophy of life and perceive the feelings and thoughts of love

Lübnan’da Toplumlararası Gergin İlişkiler

the basis for a rigid political system, which turned into a major problem for the intercommunal political relationship, situation which escalated to civil war. The war, not only emphasized the inter ... question, because it added new components such as new political actors. 1. Introduction When talking about Lebanon, one bears in mind the high literacy rate and the traditional mercantile culture, which


being under the sovereignty of Pater familias, which means “head of the family”. Pather familias, who had absolute authority over all members of the family, held all political, legal and religious ... or political intervention in a decision (severe punishment, death, selling as a slave, etc.) made by a patter familias about his child. The only condition for the end of the sovereignty of Pater

III. Ağa Han'ın İslam Politikası ve Hindistan Müslümanları, 1913(Alman Belgelerine Göre)

king’s regent. Afterwards, he became the religious and political leader of the Muslim minority in India for forty years. In 1906, Ağa Khan sent a committee to the English governer Lord Minto in order to ... union and continued this until 1913. The union which was established to protect the political rights of the Indian Muslims, declared the loyalty of Muslim minority to the English state in its first

Halife Nâsır li-Dinillâh’ın Abbâsîlerin Hakimiyetini Canlandırma Çabaları

political power and kept their existence as religious leader wanted to integrate Abbasid caliphate in secular domination again. For this purpose, he carried out military,political, intellectual and social ... out military,political, intellectual and social reforms. Caliph Nasır li-Dinillah followed foreign policy actively. He could balance the exogen ous forces which could be a threat to the Abbasid

Kamu Mali Yönetiminin ISO 9001 Kalite Yönetim Sistemine Entegrasyonu

auditing is accepted as a management philosophy which has an important in TQM, and also which Exhausted risk, IT systems, internal Auditing Process, relationship with environment, performance and quality. At

Yatırım Teşvik Politikalarının Bölgesel Belirleyicilerine Yönelik Bir Analiz: Türkiye Örneği

-grabbing especially after the implementation of incentive packages after the year 2000. Within this context, what the socioeconomic and political determinants of the incentives given to 26 regions of Turkey ... , B. (2011). Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey: A Panel Study Approach. MPRA Paper, No. 36568. Getzner, M. (2007). Empirical Tests of the Political Economy of Regional State Aid

Osmanlı Belgelerinde Nasturi-Kürt Aşiret Anlaşmazlıkları (1856-1914)

religious, later as apolitical issue by Western consulates. End of the century, issues would begin to be called as political more than local and socioeconomic. ... - religious-political nature. Therefore has been a long correspondence on the subject between the Central Government with the governor of Van and Mosul and a number of measures have been taken. Giriş Nasturi

Osmanlı'nın Endülüs'e Doğrudan Yardım Edememesinin Nedenleri

Andalusia because of that ever-changing power balance in the Mediterranean, existing trouble with Iran, North African’s Emirs who were seeking for rebellion and political turmoil in Andalusia. The fact that ... political relation with Spain and European countries. The reasons of why Ottoman Emperors didn’t help the Andalusia even they were so eager and comprehended that if Andalusia which was as prosperous as in

Suriye Krizi ve Ürdün’e Yansımaları

brought about political, security, economic, demographic and social problems to the Kingdom of Jordan as well as the other neighbors of Syria. Events in Jordan’s northern regions, Syrian border and its

Doğu Anadolu

important role in the political and cultural fields. Located on the Turkish invasion routes, Ahlat was a city where the raids on Anatolia was planned and the troops were assembled in their return and it was