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Search: Political Philosophy

969 papers found.
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Tackling Climate-Induced Migration of Fish Populations in the North Atlantic from a Legal, Political and Socio-Economic Perspective

Due to climate change, a significant migration of fish is taking place in respect of which current legal and economic norms and instruments are ill equipped to manage. Various disputes in the past, and a list of factors indicating that there shall be more such disputes in the future, underscore the inadequacy of socio-economic governance and legal norms on this issue. To avoid...

Is There a Ground to Assert an International Cooperation Duty? Essay On International Law in the Context Of The Kantian Ethical Practice

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Palavras-chave : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

The Influence of Scholarship in The Court of Justice of the Andean Community

 ] Follesdal, Andreas, “Survey Article: The Legitimacy of International Courts”, Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 28, núm. 4, 2020. [ Links ] Fried, Charles, “Scholars and Judges: Reason and Power ... Follesdal, Andreas, “Survey Article: The Legitimacy of International Courts”, Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 28, núm. 4, 2020, pp. 476-499. 123 Charlotin, Damien, “The Place of Investment Awards

Pacifism and War on International Political Thought and the Construction of a Human Right and Fundamental to Peace

This article aims to study pacifism and peace research in relation to the political theory of international relations that consider war as an object of study and primordial analysis throughout modern

As interações entre direito e filosofia no caso Damião Ximenez Lopes x Brasil na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos-CIDH/OEA

The political and moral philosophy happens to be discussed in more depth in the analysis of the constitutional law after World War II and, therefore, it is necessary to revisit the legal forms ... Human Rights of the OAS. Keywords: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy; Constitutionalism, Human Rights.   Résumé La philosophie politique et morale se trouve être discuté plus en profondeur

As interações entre direito e filosofia no caso Damião Ximenez Lopes x Brasil na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos-CIDH/OEA

The political and moral philosophy happens to be discussed in more depth in the analysis of the constitutional law after World War II and, therefore, it is necessary to revisit the legal forms ... Human Rights of the OAS. Keywords: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy; Constitutionalism, Human Rights.   Résumé La philosophie politique et morale se trouve être discuté plus en profondeur

As interações entre direito e filosofia no caso Damião Ximenez Lopes x Brasil na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos-CIDH/OEA

The political and moral philosophy happens to be discussed in more depth in the analysis of the constitutional law after World War II and, therefore, it is necessary to revisit the legal forms ... Human Rights of the OAS. Keywords: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy; Constitutionalism, Human Rights.   Résumé La philosophie politique et morale se trouve être discuté plus en profondeur

As interações entre direito e filosofia no caso Damião Ximenez Lopes x Brasil na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos-CIDH/OEA

The political and moral philosophy happens to be discussed in more depth in the analysis of the constitutional law after World War II and, therefore, it is necessary to revisit the legal forms ... Human Rights of the OAS. Keywords: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy; Constitutionalism, Human Rights.   Résumé La philosophie politique et morale se trouve être discuté plus en profondeur

As interações entre direito e filosofia no caso Damião Ximenez Lopes x Brasil na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos-CIDH/OEA

The political and moral philosophy happens to be discussed in more depth in the analysis of the constitutional law after World War II and, therefore, it is necessary to revisit the legal forms ... Human Rights of the OAS. Keywords: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy; Constitutionalism, Human Rights.   Résumé La philosophie politique et morale se trouve être discuté plus en profondeur

As interações entre direito e filosofia no caso Damião Ximenez Lopes x Brasil na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos-CIDH/OEA

The political and moral philosophy happens to be discussed in more depth in the analysis of the constitutional law after World War II and, therefore, it is necessary to revisit the legal forms ... Human Rights of the OAS. Keywords: Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy; Constitutionalism, Human Rights.   Résumé La philosophie politique et morale se trouve être discuté plus en profondeur

Şevâhidü’n-Nübüvve Adlı Eseri Bağlamında Abdurrahman Câmi’nin Ehl-İ Beyt Tasavvuru Ve Ehl-İ Beyt’in Emeviler’le İlişkilerine Dair Bazı Görüşleri

Abd al-Rahmân Jâmî (d. 898/1492) is accepted as one of the important figures of Islamic thought tradition. Along with the books he has written about kalam (Islamic theology), philosophy, Arabic ... poet, about Ahl al-Bayt and political relations of the Umayyad period from his work titled Shawahid al-Nubuvvah. Especially the time that Jâmî lived was a period when the religious policy of the Timurids