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Rus Siyasal Hayatına Yön Veren Düşünce Akımlarının Tarihsel Kökenleri

of thoughts seek answers to the questions of what Russia is, its position among the peoples of the world, how its political philosophy and intellectual belonging would / should be in general. In the ... slavyanskoy vzaimnosti. Russian Political Science, 1 (6), 94-100. Myer, K. (2019). Obraz Rossii v uchenii slavyanofilov. History of Philosophy, 24 (1), 122-134. Naganeva, M. (2012). Jizn i dumi Gertzena

The Dominant Ideologies in the Nineteenth Century British Social and Political Life

In the nineteenth century, British social and political life bears witness to some leading movements such as conservatism, liberalism, feminism and socialism. The spirit of democratization and the ... British political and social thought has a deep influence on these central ideas of government in the light of industrial changes, their revolutionary consequences and democratic movements and thanks to the

An Evaluation of the Aqabah Pledges and the Charter of Medina to the Birth of Political Authority in Islamic Political Thought

This paper aims to analyze the two crucial treaties of the early Islamic period as the Aqabah pledges and the Charter of Medina, which is considered the foundation of the political authority in ... Authority in Islamic Political Thought İntihal /Plagiarism: Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. / This article has been reviewed by at least two referees

Political Participation of Youth in Turkey: Social Media as a Motivation

, these assumptions miscalculate the changing patterns of political participation and the complexity of the channels that young people can reach in this time. The Internet has opened new ways of political ... Participation of Youth in Turkey: Social Media as a 0 Prof. , AYBU, Faculty of Political Sciences 1 Dr. Arş. Gör. , AYBÜ , Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi 2 Prof. Dr. , AYBÜ , Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi 3 Dr

Çok Partili Siyasal Hayatın İlk Yıllarında Liberal Bir Çıkış: Hür Fikirler Dergisi ve Ali Fuad Başgil

, theoretical, descriptive and historical analyses regarding the basic concepts of political philosophy such as ideology, freedom, and power were included. ... Dergisi ve Ali Fuad Başgil* Gökbörü ÖNALP Öğr. Gör. 0 1 0 Atıl Cem ÇİÇEK Yrd. Doç. Dr., Kafkas Üniversitesi İİBF/Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Asst. Prof., Kafkas University FEAS/Political

Çok Partili Siyasal Hayatın İlk Yıllarında Liberal Bir Çıkış: Hür Fikirler Dergisi ve Ali Fuad Başgil

, theoretical, descriptive and historical analyses regarding the basic concepts of political philosophy such as ideology, freedom, and power were included. ... the Multi-Party Political System: Hür Fikirler Dergisi and Ali Fuad Başgil Abstract The inevitability of multi-party political life has come to light during the mid-1940s in the context of both internal

Antropolog Robert H. Lowie

book called The German People: A Social Portrait to 1914. Interested in political philosophy as well, Lowie discusses his views on this topic, in his book, The Origin of the State.

How Deep is the European Union’s Economic and Political Cooperation with Algeria? The Impact of the European Agreements

This paper examines the background of the economic and political ties between Algeria and the European Union (EU) and the tools that the EU uses. The EU-Algeria economic and political history is ... and investment status and the current political and economic problems. Our paper explores current and new cooperation opportunities, analyses trade and investment statistics, uses literature review with

Richard Rorty’nin Pragmatik Liberal Ütopyasında Dinin İşlevi ve Geleceği Sorunu

Probably, Richard Rorty was one of the philosophers who the most talked about him in many areas of philosophy from the ontology to epistemology, from the political philosophy to philosophy of ... and his pragmatic epistemology that try to understand everything in the context of language are stimulating a new discussions in the political philosophy, moral philosophy, epistemology and ontology. In

Richard Rorty’nin Pragmatik Liberal Ütopyasında Dinin İşlevi ve Geleceği Sorunu

Probably, Richard Rorty was one of the philosophers who the most talked about him in many areas of philosophy from the ontology to epistemology, from the political philosophy to philosophy of ... and his pragmatic epistemology that try to understand everything in the context of language are stimulating a new discussions in the political philosophy, moral philosophy, epistemology and ontology. In

How Infallibilists Can Have It All

agent S has to a fact P that makes P certain for S. I do not take a stand here on precisely what facts we can apprehend. This will largely depend on the outcomes of debates in the philosophy of mind and ... philosophy of mind and perception will differ on what kinds of factors are mentally accessible in this way. In section 1, I developed the concept of apprehension in a way that remains neutral on these debates

Akıl-Vahiy İlişkisinde Bir Denge Filozofu (Aydınlanma Çağının Farklı Bir Yüzü Olarak John Toland)

In the history of philosophy, each period has come to the forefront with its unique features and the namings have been mostly made by taking these features into consideration.  In the all namings ... , Scholastic Philosophy, Enlightenment Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, some dominant factors have been determinative. The Enlightenment Philosophy, which is a breaking point in the history of Western thought, is

Akıl-Vahiy İlişkisinde Bir Denge Filozofu (Aydınlanma Çağının Farklı Bir Yüzü Olarak John Toland)

In the history of philosophy, each period has come to the forefront with its unique features and the namings have been mostly made by taking these features into consideration.  In the all namings ... , Scholastic Philosophy, Enlightenment Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, some dominant factors have been determinative. The Enlightenment Philosophy, which is a breaking point in the history of Western thought, is

Sofistlerde Tanrı ve Din Düşüncesi

religion. When the fragments from the Sophists are analysed, the names of Protagoras, Prodicus and Critias come to the fore in terms of their views on the philosophy of religion. Protagoras drew attention to ... , Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Bölümü 1 Asst. Prof., Bitlis Eren University, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies İntihal /Plagiarism: Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal

The Approach of Political Parties to Sport in the General Election Declaration of June 24, 2018

Political parties prepare election declarations to win the elections. The aim of this study is to investigate the sports policies of political parties in election declarations and to evaluate the ... Political Parties to Sport in the General Election Yaşar AKÇA İntihal /Plagiarism: Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. / This article has been reviewed by

Kant'ta Sentetik Apriori Sorunu

Our article handles the idea of synthetic apriori knowledge, which we can call the core of Kant's philosophy. This idea also forms the core of Kant's own thinking, which he saw as equated with the ... claims of empirical and rationalist traditions. Kant, who carried the subjectivist character of modern philosophy that started with Descartes to its extreme point, revealed the constructive function of the

II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi Siyasal Gelişmelerinin Türkiye Demokrasi Tarihine Etkileri

Second Constitutional Era, which is the last period of the Ottoman Empire is a crucial time frame to understand the political landscape of current Turkey. II. Constitutional Period is a compressed ... democracy history, especially since 1923, despite the fact that it covers only about 12 years process. The political developments of this term are examples and counterparts of the improvements in the history

Ebedi Barış Üzerine Felsefi Deneme: Bir Kapitalist Savunma

Kant is considered to have a special place in the history of philosophy. The reason for this is the claim that Kant made a synthesis of the views valid in the Enlightenment Period. However, despite ... philosophy of Natural Law. Classical economists, including Smith, advocate liberalism to justify the capitalist economic order, and liberalism derives its philosophical origin from the philosophy of Natural

Revising Iranian Nationalist Historiography and Shaping a New Intellectual Field

the formation and continuity of social identities and political orders. This study analyses the main aspects of Iranian nationalist historiography criticized by revisionist scholars. To this end, in the ... nationalist historiography of Iran shaped under the influence of Aryanism and orientalism in the West, socio-political developments during the late Qajar era, and the foundation of the Pahlavi monarchy

Küreselleşmenin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi: E7 Ülkeleri İçin Bir Uygulama

study period. The effect of globalization on economic growth has been analyzed with the help of four different indices: general, economic, social, and political globalization. In the empirical part of the ... the study, different models have been established in order to determine the effects of general, economic, social and political globalization. Model selection was made by using the Breusch Pagan LM test