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Search: Political Philosophy

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Public Administrator Profile in Political Treatises: Special Reference Nizamülmülk, Kınalızade Ali Efendi and Machiavelli

ethical values. The main purpose of this study is to examine the basic characteristics that an ideal public administrator should have, according to common political treatises. The political treatises

The Recent History of Logic: A Perspective

departments of mathematics, computer science, and philosophy is then discussed. A few final words address the question of where logic might be going. ... set-theoretic constructions that had been applied to these which were unclear. The two inaugurated the philosophy of logicism. As we might put it now, set theory was to be given a foundational role, as

Yoga en el Tratamiento de Adicciones: La Experiencia de Dos Años de Práctica de Yoga con Pacientes del Centro de Rehabilitación Takiwasi

increasing popularity of this practice, there are few detailed descriptions of its use in clinical settings, this article provides an overview of the philosophy and practice of yoga, its physical and

Simple Fundamentals of Logic

systems, the science philosophy and logic principles do not play a preliminary role. Today, in many education systems the science of philosophical thinking and logic principles should play a preliminary ... at limitless logical conclusions. Introduction Although logic is a subdivision of philosophy due to its importance in scientific inferences it has its own status and importance in any reasoning for

Seçimlerde Komşusundan Ayrıksılaşan İlçeler ve Ayrıksılaşmayı Sağlayan Dinamikler

of Political Philosophy , 24 ( 1 ), 67 - 87 . Özözen-Kahraman , S. , Gültay , B. ( 2019 ), Türkiye'de parti tercihlerinde sıradışı içelerin belirlenmesi ( 2007 -2015), Amme Idaresi Dergisi, 52 ( 3 ... Beyanı Yazarların herhangi bir çıkar çatışması yoktur. Kaynaklar Almond, G. A. ve Verba, S. (2015), The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Princeton: Princeton University

Political Economic Analysis of Turkish Economy: Structural Problems and the Role of the State

Bu sorunların devlet politikaları ve bürokratik yapı ile olan ilişkisi üzerine analitik bir gözlem yapmaktır. Türkiyenin sosyal, kültürel ve politik dinamiklerinin ülkedeki yapısal sorunlar ile olan ilişkisi ve devletin bu dinamikler ile etkileşimi ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu çalışmada ülkenin belirtilen sorunları tarihsel bir cercevede incelenecek olmakla birlikte, yakın...

El ethos de voluntarios de colectivos de educación no formal originados desde la sociedad civil

Social Sciences careers. We presume that the participation in an educative and political project, that demands a sustained devotion in time, would be characterized by a particular ethics sense, aligned ... political history with the presidential elections that lead to the end of twenty years of governments of the coalition Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia. On 2019 some of the same volunteers were


, Gregory 1986 . Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory . Princeton: Princeton University Press. Lloyd-Thomas , David 1995 . Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Locke on Government . London: Routledge. Locke ... . Masters , Roger 1968 . The Political Philosophy of Rousseau . Princeton: Princeton University Press. Morris , C. W. 1999 . The Social Contract Theorists - Critical Essays on Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau

Subjetividades políticas de la primera infancia en contextos de conflicto armado: Narrativas colectivas de agencia

. Theoretically, the study uses Social Constructionism, and its orientation to collective narratives to create realities; and Political Socialization to comprehend political subjectivities. The methodology of the

Hegelci Liberalizm

political philosophy of Marx and Engels (Hegel, 1956: 106-7, 109-10; Singer: ch. 2-3; Norman and Sayers: 40-2). THE YOUNG HEGELIANS Even before Hegel s death in 1831, the ambiguous implications of his ... Hegelians found a similar contradiction at work between Hegel’s personal political views and the logical implications of his philosophy. For Hegel, the state is the embodiment of the Idea and, as such, the

Dil ve Politika İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Soruşturma: Dilin Politik Felsefeye Sağlayabileceği İmkânlar

develop certain propositions in this matter with the help of Walter Benjamin's understanding of language. This work, which in some respects, will progress focused on political philosophy, is an inquiry into ... Emine Canlı 0 1 0 Dr. , İstanbul , Türkiye 1 Sorumlu yazar/ In this work, it will be argued that there is a direct relation between the ways language and humans have been projected in the political

A Discourse Analysis of Social Media Voices on Turkey’s FATIH Project

project has been discussed in public sphere in terms of technological, political-ideological and project design dimensions rather than the educational dimension . ... operated by democracy where the political discourse between the ruler and the ruled is circulated. Accompanied by the spread of social networks, communication networks can be expressed as public spheres that

A Discourse Analysis of Social Media Voices on Turkey’s FATIH Project

project has been discussed in public sphere in terms of technological, political-ideological and project design dimensions rather than the educational dimension . ... operated by democracy where the political discourse between the ruler and the ruled is circulated. Accompanied by the spread of social networks, communication networks can be expressed as public spheres that

Multiculturalism in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea and E. M. Forster’s Where Angels Fear to Tread

homogeneity” as the cross binary of multiculturalism. The entry of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states that multiculturalism “is about how to understand and respond to the challenges associated with ... “indigenous peoples” claim “for political autonomy or reparations” (Ashcroft, Bevir, 2019, p. 3), instead of side to side co-existence. For instance, WSS begins by foregrounding the difference between the ranks


AN ESSAY ON THE CONCEPT OF MEANING       The place of Meaning in modern philosophy and logic and the elucidation of its rlifferents nieanings. ... jJroblem. Empirical investigations in this, field such as those pertaining to psychology and sociology are excluded. c) Particular consideration is taken of the import of Meaning for Philosophy (especially


AN ESSAY ON THE CONCEPT OF MEANING       The place of Meaning in modern philosophy and logic and the elucidation of its rlifferents nieanings. ... jJroblem. Empirical investigations in this, field such as those pertaining to psychology and sociology are excluded. c) Particular consideration is taken of the import of Meaning for Philosophy (especially

Producción de lo común en cuatro organizaciones sociales autónomas

The current horizons of social transformation on a planetary scale and the crisis of centric-state political participation have impacted on the key notions of public space and the common. In this ... public space and political action in the oral report of four autonomous social organizations of Valparaíso whose focus is the amplification and care of common spaces. The analysis of the contents and a

Infancia, palabra y silencio: Aproximación desde una perspectiva constructivista

an initial approach and using a qualitative methodology, Philosophy Workshops were developed with 35 children from the fourth grade of Primary Education in Santiago, Chile. The production of dialogues

Una ecología política feminista en construcción: El caso de las "Mujeres de zonas de sacrificio en resistencia", Región de Valparaíso, Chile

, regional and national networks. This strategies show a feminist political ecology under construction.Palavras-chave : care ethics; neo-extractivism; political feminist ecology; sacrifice areas. ... feminist political ecology under construction: The case study of “Women of sacrifice zones in resistance”, Valparaíso Region, Chile Paola Bolados García1  Alejandra Sánchez Cuevas1

Expertos en ciencia, legos en política: ¿Que psicólogos para las políticas públicas?

training, reduction of critical analysis on intervention modalities, as well as the weakening of political dimensions on the practices reflection. Starting from the presentation of empirical studies on ... relationships between experts and population. We are interested in recovering political reflection about practices, analyzing the ways of living the politics, the public issues and the relations between experts