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Alfredo Cruz Prados krytyka doktryny o prawach człowieka

Prados. Its perspective is a classical political philosophy. Thanks to this approach the author seems not to be entangled in modern philosophical terminology and its significance. It allows his criticisms ... foundation of the classical political philosophy. For this author this project does not concern only the human rights doctrine, but it is a wider vision of the political philosophy renewal. Key words: Alfredo

A Political Quagmire

web the House of Saud has woven; analysis of these events allows a glimpse into the future for this political regime and the uncertainty it faces. This paper is not intended to offer a solution or

Towards a Biblical Model of Spirituality Part 1: Historical and Theological Background

historical overview of Christian spirituality, (2) a definition of spirituality and its common companion—mysticism, (3) the proper ground for understanding spirituality, namely biblical philosophy, (4 ... philosophy of spirituality via Paul. Part 2 in the series will address the methodological5 first step of deconstructing6 or analyzing the dogma, and a belief that all paths lead to God. Examples include New

The American Socio-Political Spider Web and the Rise of Global Christianity

offer a coherent political philosophy and are deeply flawed in their approach to political activism,” Ibid., vi. For a similar, though distinct, approach, see Gary B. Madison, The Political Economy of ... Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1995, 1977). 4 I have previously addressed a few of the complexities relating to socio-political worldviews and Seventh-day Adventist eschatology. See Michael F

The Personal is the Political: Artemisia Gentileschi’s Revolutionary Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting

, poetry, philosophy, and theology were added to the list of liberal arts, but painting was still excluded. It was only when “the art of painting was understood to involve inspiration and to result in a

Komunikowanie polityczne w epoce postmodernizmu i postprawdy. Analiza debaty przed wyborami parlamentarnymi w Polsce w 2015 r.

The author of the text attempts to explain the meaning of the postmodern era and the post-truth era for the processes of political communication. Important factors that make up the background of the ... kategorivierum, bonum i pulchrum rozumianych na sposób metafizyki klasycznej. W dyskusji naukowej na temat procesów political communication, której częścią integralną są media, politycy oraz opinia publiczna

Principles for Understanding the Biblical Worldview

the Bible. The philosophy of our age becomes the foundation for our acceptance and understanding of the Word of God rather than the Word of God being the foundation for our worldview. If we are to ... Sole Foundation for Understanding God Natural theologies begin with the contemporary view of the natural world and thus with the contemporary philosophy of the age. They claim God can be known in the

Marsyliusz z Padwy jako teolog

researchers tend to concentrate on his political ideas. The author of the article first analyzes the foundations of Marsilius’ theology – his vision of salvation, the quasi-pelagian notion of grace, the concept ... niezwykle interesującej refleksji teologicznej padewskiego myśliciela. - 1. WpRoWAdzENiE 1 Por. A. Gewirth, Marsilius of Padua and Medieval Political Philosophy, New York 1951, 3–6. 2 Warto zwrócić uwagę

Deontologiczna perspektywa badań medioznawczych wizerunku polityków

criteria of research which is meant to adequately describe a political actor and his political activity presented in the media. The research on the implementation of objectivism and truth principles ... , dziennikarze polityczni, instytucje medialne, media (M. RusPh,olitics and Society, An Introduction to Political Sociology, London 2013, 153–154; D. Piontek,Komunikowanie polityczne i kultura popularna

Ignorantia iuris nocet. Kilka uwag z pracy kancelarii trybunału kościelnego

. This article is an attempt at gathering worldly stereotypes about the process of nullity of marriage. Ignorance of the process, its philosophy and purpose entails serious consequences. The author of the

Dyskredytacja polityczna na okładkach polskich tygodników opinii – raport z badań pilotażowych

The paper consists of two complementary parts: theoretical and empirical ones. The first part of the article describes main features of political discrediting applied in media content. The second ... empirycznych, pozwalających na wyprowadzenie ogólniejszych, uniwersalnych wnios.ków POLITICAL DISCREDITING APPLIED ON FRONT COVERS OF POLISH WEEKLY MAGAZINES – PILOT STUDIES REPORT Summary The paper

Satire and Stoicism: Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Triumph of Death

In Bruegel and the Creative Process, 1559 – 1563, Margaret Sullivan explains how the religious and political disorder of the Reformation in the Netherlands influenced Pieter Bruegel’s most original ... believed the memento mori tradition allowed death to emphasize the fleetingness of earthly pleasures and immoral behavior (Silver, 2004, p.265). The Triumph of Death captures this philosophy through the

Dekolonizacja w Boliwii – resentyment czy sprawiedliwość dziejowa?

” and those of „indianization” of the country. The article describes historical, political, religious, educational situation of Bolivia, the country that seems pass by a difficult moment of redefinition ... . finally, the article presents a revolutionary proposal of Copernican turnover in the university teaching, the proposal which is based in a new epistemology inspired by Marxist philosophy. Słowa kluczowe

Wychowanie religijne a wychowanie moralne w „Żywocie człowieka poczciwego” Mikołaja Reja

This article claims that a moral upbringing based on ancient pagan philosophy and not a religious upbringing, as maintained by many researchers, dominates in Life of an Honest Man by Mikolaj Rej. Rej

Wolność warunkowana cnotą: moralne podstawy wspólnotowego ładu politycznego w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej

In the sixteenth century the three terms “law”, “liberty” and “respublica” became intertwined in a broader conception of a well-ordered political community, civitas libera, which was seen as the only ... , tj. samorządnej republiki. Q. Skinner, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, Cambridge–New York 1978, vol. 1, 8. Z kolei Hans Baron twierdzi, że ideał wolności republikańskiej i jego obrona

An Analysis of United States-Iran International Relations

political environment in which emotions and passions dominate, and I probed and evaluated a variety of future policy options for both countries. I concluded that direct diplomacy is needed and that the ... amount of political power because of their more prophetic and messianic roles. The implications of Shi’ites in the seats of power are numerous. Shia as a ruling philosophy has many ramifications. Iran, as

Jakość życia osób z niepełnosprawnością

Multiple concepts and approaches regarding disability have been created throughout the centuries, which is reflected in different fields of study such as philosophy, medicine, pedagogy, sociology

Samospalenie Piotra Szczęsnego. Jak w trakcie skandalu zmieniają się znaczenia?

political protests and the moral evaluation of suicide. The text aims at finding answers to the following questions: (1) what communication mechanisms were then launched and (2) what discursive strategies