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Search: Political Philosophy

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Antoni Kępiński’s Philosophy of Medicine – an alternative reading

Antoni Kępiński remains an often read and quoted author even 40 years after his premature death. Usually he is read in the context of his times and his connections with contemporary philosophy. This ... from his extensive clinical experience. Philosophy of psychiatry; philosophy of medicine; Antoni Kępiński - This paper is not the paper I set out to write. My original idea was to use my reading of

Thomasa Paine'a ujęcie doktryny prawnonaturalnej: prawo naturalne wobec rewolucji

The natural-law doctrine drawing its roots from the political philosophy of modern authors such as Locke and Hobbes, undeniably affected the two great revolutions of the Eighteenth century, and also

Philosophy of voltage-gated proton channels

In this review, voltage-gated proton channels are considered from a mainly teleological perspective. Why do proton channels exist? What good are they? Why did they go to such lengths to develop several unique hallmark properties such as extreme selectivity and ΔpH-dependent gating? Why is their current so minuscule? How do they manage to be so selective? What is the basis for our...

Smak słodko-gorzko-kwaśny. Miejsce filozofii w sztuce życia według Bohdana Dziemidoka

The article discusses the latest book by Bohdan Dziemidok titled Philosophy and the art of life. Bohdan Dziemidok is a leading representative of Polish aesthetics, author of ten books, over one ... tone of reflection provides a closer contact with the author than it is usually possible. In the case of this book, one can talk about practicing philosophy as a kind of intentional self-therapy. The

Schellings Reflexion des Kantischen Begriffs Weisheit

of the highest good practically, i.e., as the maxim of our rational behavior, is for Kant the wisdom doctrine; in scientific reflection it is philosophy. Schelling agrees with that; for him, too

Weisheit bei Schopenhauer und die Frage ihrer Aktualität

The notion of wisdom in Schopenhauer’s grasp is analyzed in two different perspectives. First, in the context of early philosophy with the supreme term “better consciousness” (das bessere Bewußtsein

W kwestii sprawiedliwości diachronicznej

citizens toward the moral and political (as opposed to the criminal legal) guilt of survivors of the recent historical past who are burdened by their conspicuous support for a now defeated criminal regime ... when the standards of political culture and how citizens’ moral and political responsibility is understood have changed in the meantime as a result of political learning processes. Keywords: memory

Pathei Mathos. Schopenhauers Weisheitslehre und die altgriechische Sophia?

remember the old, and for the most part now forgotten, concept of wisdom, and its philosophical scope. This is here done using Schopenhauer as an example. In his philosophy, wisdom plays a central role, as a

Znaczenie religii w ateistycznej filozofii Hegla

Hegel's philosophy of religion is typical for critical philosophy of Enlightenment. Hegel treats about religion as an earlier and less developed form of human mind. Religion is product of culture ... imagination. Christensen D. E. 1970 , Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion, The Hague . Copleston F. 2006 , Historia filozofii, t. VII, przeł . J. Łoziński , Warszawa. Fabro C. 1964 , Introduzione all'ateismo

Idealizm transcendentalny w perspektywie Kantowskiego pojęcia realności

The main aim of this paper is to try to answer the question of the nature of Kantian project of the transcendental philosophy. Is it, in real, as Kant by himself says, that his philosophy, as the ... the possibility of metaphysics at all, or rather Kant’s system of the theoretical philosophy called by Kant as formal or transcendental idealism can be classified as one of the main ontological systems

O dwuznaczności "zwrotu praktycznego

contemplative or theoria) evolves in stark opposition to political culture (vita activa). On the other hand, philosophy in the era of post-Socratic schools takes the form of a spiritual practice (askesis

Między polityką a prawem, czyli o sprawiedliwości okresu przejściowego

The article is a theoretical study of legal strategies introduced in states under political transformation (post-communist states in Europe, Australia, South Africa) to deal with the effects of ... moralne to kwestia posłuszeństwa wobec prawa i że relacje moralne sprowadzają się do obowiązków i praw wyznaczanych przez [jego] zasady”) Judith N. Shklar, Legalism: Law, Morals and Political Trials

Mr. Vane’s Confessions: The Unexpected Play of Augustine in Lilith’s Bibliographic Vision

is not really a place at all” (X.9). As a student at Carthage, he recalls reading a philosophy book titled Hortensius by Cicero. He says, “The book changed my way of feeling and the character of my ... much of its import from Keats’s Lamia, where the philosopher, Apollonius, exposes the subcreature Lamia as a “foul dream” (line 271). But unlike Lamia, Lilith is not being assaulted with cold philosophy

Heideggerowski zwrot: jedność bycia i nieantropocentryczna filozofia człowieka

The article aims to show that one of the most important manifestations of Turn in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger is a change of the ontological status of beings other than human. Transformation ... Philosophy ” 11 ( 3 ), s. 47 - 66 . Boddice R. 2011 , The End of Anthropocentrism, [w:] Anthropocentrism. Humans, Animals, Environments, ed. by Boddice Rob, Brill, Leiden-Boston, s. 1- 18 . Buczyńska-Garewicz

Stanisław Brzozowski wobec myśli filozoficznej romantyzmu polskiego

Stanisław Brzozowski was under the influence of Romanticism in the area of philosophy and ethics as he says. He managed to cover a lot of topics in letters and theories. In this way deed philosophy ... philosophy. The attitude towards Polish Romanticism was used to change from the great period of fundamental changes in national movement to magical feelings. Having your head in the clouds at the same time. He

Some Aspects of the Oeuvre of George MacDonald in a Curriculum of Philosophy Courses and in the Production of a Play at a German Gymnasium

) Anthropology; 3) Ethics; 4) historical and political Philosophy; 5) theory of knowledge; 6) Philosophy of religions or another topic chosen by the students. Courses in literature and school theatre allow a ... world of nature becomes possible. In the context of considering the political and historical dimensions of philosophy, we concentrated upon the problems of modern and latemodern societies—the mutual

Ateistyczne implikacje anglojęzycznego sensualizmu, empiryzmu i deizmu

starting point for philosophy, became ideological basis for period of radical critique of religion and atheism.

"Ściana jest niema, a drzwi przemawiają

"Meeting" is one of these concepts, which in the most recent philosophy have received significant meaning. In some interpretations it is the instruction to "meet" – so to establish the unmediated ... allows to judge whether the whole project of the postphenomenological philosophy can be defended in the practical perspective, and secondly – it is a key indicator that allows the further development of

O wielości metod w filozofii Wolffa

The main goal of the article is to demonstrate that (against general opinion) Wolff used not one but few different research methods in his philosophy. Except mathematical (more geometrico), there