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Search: Political Philosophy

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Leadership Profile: Danny Meyer

return” (Gallo, 2014) Meyer’s philosophy of “enlightened hospitality” is described in the following way: “In every business, there are employees who are the first point of contact with the customers

Leadership Profile: Conrad Hilton

to an international based model. https://scholarwSoorkcs.iuamlaRss.eedsup/poanlats/viobl2i/liistsy1/8 [3] Conrad Hilton had a fundamental philosophy of contributing back to society and positioned the

Destination Branding: Creating a Destination of Choice

. 2008) . “Powerful brands provide security of demand and competitive differentiation” (Branding in Asia, Apr. 2008) . “Destination Branding is a combination of a philosophy and its implementation. It’s ... factors will go into the creation of these beliefs. It affects political attitudes, commerce, as well as financial investments. “A tourist’s perception of any country will be colored by his own personal


subordinates in socio-political organizations and institutions” (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999) . Good leaders in Asia must have high moral values (Hui & Tan, 1999; Cooke, 2008) . Although the Asian market


subordinates in socio-political organizations and institutions” (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999) . Good leaders in Asia must have high moral values (Hui & Tan, 1999; Cooke, 2008) . Although the Asian market

Leadership Styles and Asian Tourism

the Asian male dominated society. As a result of wars and changes in the political climate in Asia, the region is open and ready for changes in the system. Lui is an excellent example of this and a

Recepcja filozofii Edwarda von Hartmanna w Polsce

? ilustracj? takiego w?a?nie stanowiska. RECEPTION OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDWARD VON HARTMANN IN POLAND (Summary) This article presents reactions of Polish writers on metaphysical conceptions and political ... the question of the reception of H artm ann?s philosophy and political ideas in Poland was presented in the article. 2 Patrz: C. G?ombik, Schopenhauerowska inspiracja w tw?rczo?ci Stefana Pawlickiego

O strukturze rewolucji społecznych : przyczynek do teorii : część II

considers reasons of major im portance of the question concerning social revolutions for the contemporary philosophy. The atten? tion of philosophy is particularly turned towards symptoms of negation of ... philosophy is indicated together w ith im portance of a critical attitude of philosophers for creating chances for an em ancipatory exceeding ?ideologically frozen relations of subordination? by a society

Hegel i "koniec filozofii" : kontekst polskiej "filozofii czynu"

?stwem obywatelskim, prawem naturalnym a prawem pozytywnym, czy wreszcie o problemie wolno?ci politycznej. HEGEL AND ?THE END OF PHILOSOPHY? - THE CONTEXT OF POLISH ?PHILOSOPHY OF ACTION? (Summary) The ... problem as to the end of philosophy plays a significant role in the theoretical break effected by Hegelian Scholars follwing the death of their master ? one of the consequences being M arx? social theory

Jerzy Kmita : między modernizmem a postmodernizem

. Kmita, Kultura a „obiektywne”stosunki społeczno-ekonomiczne, Studia Filozoficzne, 1984, nr 4, s. 102. 10 Zob.: H. Putnam, Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge 1981, s. 50, 54, oraz R. Rorty, Philosophy ... Jerzy Kmita in the context of dispute — which is found today as well in philosophy as in other domains of culture — between modernism and post-modernism. As the reflection of Kmita deals mainly with the

Jerzy Kurnatowski : w kręgu filozofii życia

? WITHIN A PHILOSOPHY OP LIFE S u m m a r y The present essey constitutes the first extensive presentation of philophical-and-social opinions of Jerzy Kurnatowski. This known lawyer, philosopher and ... economist at the begining of the 20th century was a pupil of Ch. Gide and an advocate of solildarity concepts. The main lines in philosophy and ethics formu? lates after F. Nietzsche and J. M. Guyau. The

Losy starań Władysława M. Kozłowskiego o katedrę filozofii

OF W?ADYS?AW M. KOZLOWSKI?S EFFORTS FOR A CHAIR' OF PHILOSOPHY A decision of Austrian educational authorities in 1902, refusing an appro? vement of a professorship of W. M. Koz?owski, w as an ... obstacle to appoint him to a philosophy department at the University in Lvov. Despite efforts undertaken by K. Twardowski among the others, the negative decision had not been changed. Koz?owski was forced to

Filozofia nauki a historia matematyki : przyczynek do dyskusji

. O s i ? s k a , Wroc?aw 1974, s. 105?120 oraz p ra? c? N. R. H a n s o n a , The irrelevance of history of science to the philosophy of science, The Journal of Philosophy, 1962, n r 59. 5 Interesuj ... Hilberta* wp?ywa?o na ich dzia?alno?? m atem a? tyczn?: Hao W a n g , From Mathematics to Philosophy, Routledge, London 1974. 12 Por. I. L a ? a t ? s, Proofs and refutations (the logic of mathematical

O tzw. szkole lwowsko-warszawskiej

. J ? r d a n, Philosophy and Ideology, Bortrecht-Hol?and 1963, s. 11. Bior?c za podstaw? wypowiedzi czo?owych reprezentant?w filozofii polskiej, mniej lub bardziej zwi?zanych z Twardowskim, a ... development of the Lvov?Warsaw school since the dominant position in this school was occupied by logistic combined sometimes with sharp criticism of traditional scope of philosophy. Nowadays^ the Lvov?Warsaw

W kwestii właściwego sc. nieegzystencjalnego rozumienia terminu "być" w klasycznej ontologii greckiej

be?, based on results of linguistic analyses of Ch. Kahn. Kahn?s conclusions are significant not only for the language philosophy but also for the philosophy in general, especially of hermeneutic-and

Parmenides : tym samym jest myślenie i bycie

1966, s. 68. Patrz też: J. B u m e t , Early Greek Philosophy, London 1908, s. 208, C. L e j e w s k i , The Concept of Matter in Presocratic Philosophy, wraz z krytycznym komentarzem J. О w e n s ’ a [w ... philo­ sophical notions of thinking and being as presented in Parm enides’ philosophy. The introduction is designed to discuss the peculiar way in which Parmenides, posed the problem in his philosophical

Stosunek Jerzego Plechanowa do empiriokrytycyzmu

, empiriocriticism is a from of idealistic philosophy adjusted to the purpose of natural science of the tu rn of the 19th century. ? ? Second, empirio-criticists are still dualist? and they split the reality into the ... physical and psychical domains. ? Third, empirio-criticists, though openly criticising metaphysics, base their philosophy on certain implicit metaphysical premises. Plechanow raised similar objections

Rola introspekcji w ogólnej teorii nauk Kazimierza Twardowskiego

—1938) originated analitic trend in Polish philo sophy. He also applied analitic philosophy while attem pting to define relations between philosophy and particular sciences, the role of psychology among ... philo sophical sciences, the relation between analitic philosophy and humanities, and in constructing metatheory of sciences. Kazimierz Twardowski’s metatheory of sciences focused upon psychology

Absolut epistemologiczny a historyczność poznania w fenomenologii Husserla

? tesian ideal of universal philosophy absolutely well-grounded which took place partly contrary to the intentions of th e philosopher him self w ho up to the end of his life believed that it w as possible ... to .a ch ieve ultimate, incontrovertible results in philosophy. The article is composed of three parts. The first part outlines the Husserlian ideal of philosophy as a science strict in a radical sense

Spór o Poppera : przeciw ograniczeniom metaepistemologicznego regionu popperyzmu

), s. 226?244. * Por. ?. ? e r n a y s, Reflections on K arl Popper?s epistem ology, [w:] ?. ? u ng e (ed.), The critical approach to science and philosophy (in. honour of K arl R .'P op? per), London ... ? , Contem porary European Philosophy, University of California Press 1956, s. 119. 11 Por. L. W i t k o w s k i , Obraz nauki w e w sp??czesnym racjonalizmie, Studia Filozoficzne, 1979, nr 9 (166), s. 117