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Search: Political Philosophy

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Evaluating Markov chains and Bayesian networks as probabilistic meteorological drought forecasting tools in the seasonally dry tropics of Costa Rica

Meteorological drought is a climatic phenomenon that affects all global climates with social, political, and economic impacts. Consequently, it is essential to develop drought forecasting tools to ... , and its impact is reflected in social, political, and economic costs (UNDRR 2021; IPCC 2021) . For instance, in 2011, the drought in the Horn of Africa affected almost 13 million people, and in 2012

17. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Düşünce Hayatında İbn Haldun Etkisi: “Tarih-i Naima Örneği”

Ibn Khaldun was followed Ottoman historians and thinkers regarding his teories of history, society, politics and etc. Especially towards the end of the 16th century Ottoman political understanding ... , after giving a brief information about the personalities and works of both thinkers, their ideas on philosophy of history and the understanding of society and state were examined. Влияние Ибн Хальдуна на

The role of External Economic Incentives in times of Political Transitions and Consolidations

, Department of Politics and International Relations New Vision University , Tbilisi , Georgia Development has become a buzzword in the field of political science and policymaking. This paper tries to answer ... why despite crucial political and economic similarities between European countries-Spain-Portugal and South American countries ArgentinaPeru, South Americans constantly underperformed in terms of

بررسی نقش دانشمندان مسلمان در انكشاف علم جغرافيه

It is evident that Muslim scholars have played a role in the changing political, economic and cultural conditions in the light of Islam and have played an appropriate role in the development and ... civilizational masterpiece. So it was necessary to study the innovations of Muslim scholars in the various fields of knowledge, philosophy and wisdom, mathematics and logic, geography and celibacy. This research

Kınalı-Zâde Ali Çelebi’nin Ahlâk-ı Alâ’î’si ve Tursun Beğ’in Târîh-i Ebü’l-Feth’inde Padişah Anlayışı

Ottoman political thought was based not only on  ancient Indo-Iranian traditions, ancient Greek philosophy and Byzantine practices; but also on Islamic political thought  dominated after accepting ... Philosophy of History: A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1957, 82-83, 92, 96, 198.) 19 Suzuki Tadaşi, “Osmanlılarda Organik Bir Yapı Olarak Toplum

Cənubi Qafqaz Dövlətçilik sistemində Azərbaycan siyasi xadimlərinin fəaliyyəti (1918-ci il aprel- 1918-may)

After the February 1917 revolution in the Russian Empire, sufficiently changes had been happening in the world political arena. The overthrow of the monarchy in a state called Nationals Prison had ... , desentralist, müsavat, sosialist Gönderme Tarihi:03/03/2020 Kabul Tarihi:27/03/2020 Activity of Azerbaijani political figures in the system of statehood in the South Caucasus (April 1918 - May 1918) Rahim

Eğitim ve Öğretimde Türkçenin Felsefesinin Yeri ve Önemi Üzerine

literature. In this point of view, it is important to explain and teach the philosophy of Turkish education and bacis information. Turkish society enriches this treasure of wisdom with their cultural values of ... dayanarak bu mesele üzerinde durulmuştur. On The Position and Importance of Turkish Philosophy in Education and Training Kamil Veli Nerimanoğlu* ORCID: 0000-0001-5660-7416 Selman Arslanbaş** ORCID: 0000

From Karl Menger to Charles Menger? How Austrian economics (hardly) spread in France

discussed as pure economics replaces political economy in the Interwar period, with the 1938 Paris Congress of “liberal thinkers,” as the Vienna Circle became known, also comparing issues in philosophy. The ... reason for such a situation? Criticisms of classical political economy have to be understood in their French context. In comparison to other countries, this paper details the case of France, besides

From Karl Menger to Charles Menger? How Austrian economics (hardly) spread in France

discussed as pure economics replaces political economy in the Interwar period, with the 1938 Paris Congress of “liberal thinkers,” as the Vienna Circle became known, also comparing issues in philosophy. The ... reason for such a situation? Criticisms of classical political economy have to be understood in their French context. In comparison to other countries, this paper details the case of France, besides

Azərbaycanın Qobustan Qayaüstü Abidələrində Qədim Türk Ailəsinin Dialoq Fəlsəfəsi” (Multikulturalizm Kontekstində)

, philosophical and socio-political aspects of atropoloji for the multiculturalism program, the key to reject his qaynaqlndıgı philosophy of dialogue, or it is impossible not to life. People are so serious ... fəlsəfəsi, multikuklturalizm. The Old Turkish Family Structure in Azerbaijan’s Gobustan Dialogue Philosophy (in the Context of Multiculturalism) monuments, dialogue GİRİŞ Bu məqalədə müasir elmi fikirdə

XV əsrdə Şərqi Anadoluda Azərbaycan Türk amilinin güclənməsi (Şərəf xan Bidlisinin “Şərəfnamə” Əsəri Əsasında)

The 15th century played an important role in the ethnic and political history of Eastern Anatolia and Azerbaijan. This period, on the one hand, characterized by an increase of the Turkic ethnic ... states, having played a leading role in the ethnic history of Azerbaijan, as well as Eastern Anatolia, contributed to the political and cultural revival of the Turkic-Islamic world.The article, based on

Ortadoğu’da Ermeni Diasporası: İran, Lübnan ve Suriye Ermenilerine Dair Tarihi Bir Değerlendirme

international literature will be evaluated. Later, the historical formations of diaspora Armenians will be discussed. Thus, it will be evaluated how influential the region they live in on the current political ... orientation of the Armenian diaspora in the Middle East. In other words, this study will seek answers to the following questions: How do the political, economic, social and cultural structure of the region they

Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır’ın Parlamento Faaliyetleri ve Ulûhiyet Görüşü

Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, one of the scholars of Islam, both political and is one of the important figures in twentieth-century in the Turkey has played an active role in the scientific personality. He


Political skill; the ability to actively understand others in the workplace, to use them to influence them and to enrich the personal / organizational goals. Career satisfaction is the relevance to ... Role Of Political Skill, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, Florida State University, GÜRKAN G. Ç. ve KOÇOĞLU M., (2011), “Yaratıcı Örgüt İkliminin Kariyer Tatmini Üzerine Etkisinde Duygusal Bağlılığın

Из ранней истории городов Атропатены

was created by the Achaemenid governor of the region Midia Atropat, who achieved the political independence of the northwestern part of the region after the death of Alexander of Macedon (323 BC) .For ... strategically significant routes, for many centuries retained the socio-political significance in the life of the region. Keywords: Atropatena, cuneiform sources, ancient cities, military campaigns, areas of

Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Bir Siyasetçi Profili: Ahmet Muhtar Fikri Bey (Gücüm) (1876-1930)

the centre of the study and efforts are made to address and explain it, the course of the work can flow into other mediums. Because in the whole of the study, the effects of political, cultural

Hilafeti Çevreleyen Siyaset (18-19.Yüzyıl)

It is a known fact that the establishment of the Caliphate became a religious and political functional positions, especially during the reign of Abdulhamid II. The understanding based on this reality ... previous historical identity of the Caliphate, and in this process, the perception of a caliphate that is independent of the real political conjuncture and which acts with purely religious motivation has

Тюркские Национальные и Культурные Ценности и Отражение Ценностей в Характере Личности

and trust among individuals, prevent polarization. It makes sense over any ideology and political thought. The will of the nation determines the common values of society. This will is also the source of

Türk Siyasi Hayatında Şeyh Kasım Küfrevi (1920-1992)

Grand National Assembly of Turkey to became a political home to different personality of the society that represented since its establishment . Undoubtedly, the most striking of these personalities ... private and political life of the Ağrı deputy and the Nakşi Sect sheikh, Sheikh Kasım Küfrevi, whom we believe to be displaying a mission close to his revolutionary identity, as well as the effect of his

Soğuk Savaş Döneminde ABD ve SSCB’nin Politik İstihbarat Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırması

article is to examine the current intelligence of the USSR and the supremacy of the US and USSR political intelligence in the bipolar history of the Cold War period, with the political intelligence movement ... döneminde istihbarat kurumlarının ne tür yöntemlerden yararlandığını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Comparıson of US and USSR Political Intelligence Methods During the Cold War Era İsmayıl Hasanov Filiz Katman ORCID