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Search: Political Philosophy

6 papers found.
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Political Hunger Games

Welcome to the Political Hunger Games. “May the odds be ever in your favor.”(Th is is a completely satirical and fake version of the Hunger Games for shits and giggles. Th e order and the winner of

Student Spotlights: Michael Belding

. Focusing on the free speech aspect, I sat down with Michael Belding, senior in History and Political Science and Opinion Editor for the Iowa State Daily, to talk about why Iowa State celebrates this


shit went down." @ P H I L O B R O is “just a bro who likes philosophy.” “Best summary of postmodernism I’ve yet heard: ‘because fuck you, that’s why’” @ F L U L A is a German techno artist living in LA

Pussy Riot

interest,Russia’s political reaction to the current civil unrest has iconoclastic beacon of freeindividualism seems to have reared its head. Fboeren less than sympathetic in the face of national and ... political reach within its own the feminist punk collectivheave taken to the street to retaliate againstcountry has been brought into an international light. continues to be heard, as the loss of civil rights

Front matter

some famo mistakes, missteps and misfortunate quotes from other political leaders. E D I T O RI A L

Front matter

some famo mistakes, missteps and misfortunate quotes from other political leaders. E D I T O RI A L