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Search: Political Philosophy

104 papers found.
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Does Being Authentic Promote Self-actualization at Work? Examining the Links Between Work-Related Resources, Authenticity at Work, and Occupational Self-actualization

, B. ( 2012 ). Meaningful work: Arguments from autonomy . Journal of Political Philosophy , 20 ( 1 ), 71 - 93 . 10.1111/j.1467- 9760 . 2011 . 00408 .x Ryckman , R. M. , Robbins , M. A

Work Motivation Is Not Generational but Depends on Age and Period

new political generation: Millennials and the post-2008 wave of protest . American Sociological Review, 82 ( 1 ), 1 - 31 . O'Brien , R. M. ( 2011 ). Constrained

The Open Science Challenge: Adopt One Practice that Enacts Widely Shared Values

, cumulative, and robust. Open science; Scientific values; Research methodology; Philosophy of science Introduction There has been an ongoing scholarly discussion on the topic of open science over the past ... cumulative—and there are many praiseworthy merits to practicing open science. A recent survey of scholars from the four major social science disciplines (economics, political science, psychology, and sociology

Öz- Savunuculuk Hareketi: Sosyal Hizmet Perspektifiyle Değerlendirme

selfrepresentationin the field of disability. In brief, the study is aimed at both to inform of philosophy of self-advocacy and to contribute to this positive effect ... /index.html, ( Accessed 2016 May 1 ). 13. Tsuda E. Japanese culture and the philosophy of self-advocacy: The importance of interdependence in community living . Br J Learn Disabil , 2006 ; 34 , 151 - 156 . 14

HOT and Attractive? The Hazardous Organization Tool as an Instrument to Avoid Attracting and Retaining People with Low Ethical Standards

To foster and sustain an ethical culture, organizations need to attract and retain people with high ethical standards. However, there is a lack of knowledge about which organizational characteristics influence the pre- and post-entry work attitudes and behaviors of people with high ethical standards. To fill this gap, we drew on person–organization fit (PO fit) theories and...

Ever Thought About Strikes? Development of a Scale to Assess Attitudes and Behavioral Reactions to Strikes

be linked to their ability to gain public support (Perry, 1987) . Furthermore, public opinion is able to enhance or impede union political activity, to influence member loyalty, and to affect how ... participants’ political orientation. As mentioned earlier, employees with left-wing views reported a greater willingness to strike (Jansen et al., 2017) . This aligns with other research (Jost et al., 2008

Competence-Questioning Communication and Gender: Exploring Mansplaining, Ignoring, and Interruption Behaviors

Competence-questioning communication at work has been described as gender-linked (e.g., mansplaining) and as impacting the way women perceive and experience the workplace. Three studies were conducted to investigate how the specific communication behaviors of condescending explanation (i.e., mansplaining), voice nonrecognition, and interruption can be viewed as gender-biased in...

Keeping Employees Safe During Health Crises: The Effects of Media Exposure, HR Practices, and Age

death tolls). In addition, they found that all media outlets, regardless of political leanings, overwhelmingly published negative stories about COVID-19. Despite incongruent opinions about the pandemic in ... political leanings can influence people’s mortality salience or other relationships postulated. Future studies may benefit from examining specific media content people are exposed to and particularly focusing

Houston We Have a Problem: How Debriefing Method Impacts Open Communication and the Depth of Team Reflexivity

- 462 . Chirumbolo , A. , Areni , A. , & Sensales , G. ( 2004a ). Need for cognitive closure and politics: Voting, political attitudes and attributional style

A Meta-analytic Systematic Review and Theory of the Effects of Perceived Listening on Work Outcomes

The quality of listening in interpersonal contexts was hypothesized to improve a variety of work outcomes. However, research of this general hypothesis is dispersed across multiple disciplines and mostly atheoretical. We propose that perceived listening improves job performance through its effects on affect, cognition, and relationship quality. To test our theory, we conducted a...

Determining the Hierarchical Structure and Nature of Servant Leadership

. B. ( 2010 ). Compassionate liberals and polite conservatives: Associations of agreeableness with political ideology and moral values . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 36 ( 5 ), 655 - 664

High Performers = Better Leaders? Evidence From 55 Years of Professional Soccer on the Validity of Performance-based Promotion to Leader Positions

in professional team sports: Evidence from English association football . Scottish Journal of Political Economy , 47 ( 4 ), 399 - 421 . 1467 - 9485 . 00170 Day , D. V

Organizational Conspiracy Beliefs: Implications for Leadership Styles and Employee Outcomes

theories: Causes and cures . The Journal of Political Philosophy , 17 , 202 - 227 . Swami , V. , Chamorro-Premuzic , T. , & Furnham , A. ( 2010 ). Unanswered questions: A preliminary investigation of ... source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Abalakina-Paap , M. , Stephan , W. , Craig , T. , & Gregory , W. L. ( 1999 ). Beliefs in conspiracies . Political

Imagine: An Interview with Svante Pääbo

Greece who actually came there and settled there? When the Assyrians came there, did that have an influence? Or was the population continuous? Political things that influenced the population. Since then ... ? SP: After German reunification, there was the political will and the money to start institutes in East Germany at the same density, according to population, as there were in West Germany. This was the

Does Leader Humility Foster Employee Bootlegging? Examining the Mediating Role of Relational Energy and the Moderating Role of Work Unit Structure

promoting employee altruism within organizations ( Mallén et al., 2020 ). It can lead to employee innovation via core self-evaluation when leaders’ political skill is high (Zhou & Wu, 2018) . It is also

Editorial: Three Perspectives of Employment Discrimination 50 Years After the Civil Rights Act—A Promise Fulfilled?

Arguments are derived from psychology, management, law, and political science to contrast perspectives that civil rights legislation has (a) done its job, (b) gone too far, and (c) not gone far enough

Organizational science and cybersecurity: abundant opportunities for research at the interface

to cybersecurity concerns. A future paper could create a taxonomy of such concerns, along with the philosophy of science implications associated with the study of cybersecurity by organizational ... information to Wikileaks (Fortin, 2019). Future research should carefully tease apart demographic and cultural/political/work values as potential antecedents to malicious insider behavior so as to determine

Individual Differences in Judgment and Decision-Making: Novel Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behavior

problematic divide . Philosophy & Social Criticism , 35 ( 9 ), 1063 - 1077 . https://doi. org/10.1177/0191453709343388 Harren , V. A. ( 1979 ). A model of career decision making for college students . Journal

Türkiye'de Sağlıkta Dönüşüm Programı ve Hasta Memnuniyeti Üzerine Etkileri

).aTnhditshestpurdoyblaedmdsreesnsceosupnatteireendt Patient satisfaction is one of the most important during recent visits to health centers. political and socioeconomic issues for both developed and developing countries, including In Turkey, the ... perspective (Tatar et al., declared that the health sector would be given 2011; Atun et al., 2013) . The economic growth and increased importance and priority. Given this political stability of Turkey are

Irrepressible: An Interview with Mark Ptashne

Ptashne and McCoy. Image courtesy of Mark Ptashne. Gitschier: Paul Robeson! Ptashne: I used to think that my parents’ political bent gave me an advantage in science. Gitschier: Why? Ptashne: Because ... . Gitschier: I want to close with a remark you made in an email to me. You alluded to something one of your former students [Bob Sauer, now at Massachusetts Institute of Technology] said about your philosophy