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Search: Political Philosophy

124 papers found.
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"Katholizität im Kommen : katholische Identität und gegenwärtige Veränderungsprozesse", red. Claude Ozankom, Regensburg 2011 : [recenzja]

można wymienić Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization; Islamic Philosophy from its Origin to the Present: Philosophy in the Land of Prophecy; Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study; The Garden of

"Islam in the Modern World", Seyyed Hossein NASR, New York 2012 : [recenzja]

, and Civilization; Islamic Philosophy from its Origin to the Present: Philosophy in the Land of Prophecy; Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study; The Garden of Truth: The Vision and Promise of Sufism

Speaker Bios

energy transactions, real estate transactions, and general business transactions. Prior to practicing law, she earned her B.S. in Political Science and Economics from the University of Houston and her J.D ... (update and revision author with B. Kramer) and three casebooks, Jurisprudence:Text and Readings on the Philosophy of Law (with Christie), Oil and Gas Cases and Materials (with Maxwell and Kramer) and

Local Land Use Regulation of Oil and Gas Development: Pumpjacks and Preemption

comprehensive land use regulatory powers by substate units. Clearly the political climate was such that within a relatively short Feriod of time, zoning at the city level became a nearly universal practice. Home ... , or abrogate the substate unit's power. But there are powerful political forces in play that in many cases prevent the enactment of state statutes that deprive substate units of their powers. In Ohio

Intellectual and religious life after Auschwitz and Gulag

swallowed up millions o f hum an lives, but the real num ber o f victims and the mag­ nitude o f the crimes probably will never be known. Such a totalitarianism is not only a political system, but a ... Union. 1. In C atholic theology, for a long tim e philosophy had a m onopoly on transm itting to theology the analytical data o f m a n ’s self-understanding and his understanding o f God and the w orld

"Terra Mariana : reliġiski zinātniks žurnăls", nr 2 (43), Riga 2011 : [recenzja]

Mariana?. Journal of theology, philosophy and religious sciences Nr. 2(43), Edition of Riga Theological Institute & Riga Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Pontifical University and Riga Roman Catholic

Znaczenie i funkcje świątyni w księdze Aggeusza

ko?ca III tys. przed Chr. (COS II, 422-424); szerzej zob. G. A. A n d e r s o n. Sacrifices and Offerings in Ancient Israel: Studies in their So? cial and Political Importance, HSM 41, Atlanta 1987, s ... jej o d ? budow ie. 42 Zob. S. A p p l e b a u m , Economic Life in Palestine, w: S. S a f r a i, M. S t e r n (red.). The Jewish People in the First Century. Historical Geography, Political History

Doświadczenie religijne - perspektywa teologiczna i socjologiczna

u c k i e l, Heaven`s Champion. William James`Philosophy of Religion, Indiana 1996. 22 J. S z m y d, Religijno?? i transcendencja, Wprowadzenie do psychologii religii i duchowo?ci, Bydgoszcz-Krak?w

O egalitaryzmie soteriologicznym i równości religii

kultur, religii i światopoglądów, tolerancja itp. 14Zob. J. H ic k , Desputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy o f Religion, New Ha­ ven 1993, s. 154-157; te n ż e , The Non-Absoluteness o f ... (wyd.), The Rationality o f Beliefand the Plurality o f Faith: Essays in Honor o f William P. Alston, Lon­ don 1995, s. 200. “ Tamże, s. 202. 11A. P la n tin g a , A d Hick, Faith and Philosophy 14/1997

The Social Message of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland

, ?OWICZ TH E SO C IA L MESSAGE OF CARD IN AL STEFAN W YSZY? SKI, PRIM ATE OF POLAND The Christian vision of social life, as well in its political ramifica? tions, holds nothing in common with moral ... place. Teaching founded on Catholic social doctrine, particularly as based upon its socio-political life, permits one to more expressly point up the norms and principles upon which social life ought be

Unitization of Haynesville Shale

Production Company, EOG Resources, Inc., XTO Energy, Inc., Samson Contour Energy E&P Inc. and Southern Star Operating, Inc. B. Regulatory Input by Local Political Subdivisions and Federal Agencies One ... regulatory development that bears watching is the extent to which local political subdivisions will attempt to regulate various aspects of development by Haynesville operators. It is the writer's understanding

Tło historyczne epoki proroka Aggeusza : polityka - administracja - demografia

. M c E v e n u e , The Political Structure in Judah from Cyrus to Nehemiah, CBQ 43/1981. s. 360-361. 6 Szerokie spectrum problematyki związanej z deportacjami babilońskimi omawia obszer­ nie W. C h r ... Synaj, N egeb i Arabę. Sam a Jerozolim a z otaczającym i j ą terena­ mi znalazła się w granicach babilońskiej prowincji ze stolicą w Mi14 Por. S. E. M c E Ve n u e. The Political Structure in Judah from

"The harvest of mysticism in medieval Germany (1300-1500)", Bernard McGinn, New York 2005 : [recenzja]

and Preacher), dalej, bardziej filozo­ ficzny aspekt mistyki H enryka Suzo (Henry S u so ’s Spiritual Philosophy) czy b a r­ dziej praktyczną (życiową) m istykę Ja n a T au lera w yrażoną głów nie w jeg

Spiritual aspects of paediatric palliative care

g e and ex perien ce to th e patien t ought to treat him as a person w hose subject nature requires not only medical care but also profou nd hum an respect. T he history and philosophy o f m edicine ... „affinity” of the patient and the m edical personnel is o f vital im portance. Every person lives and develops in a certain context o f a philosophy of life, spiritual and religious, which assum es respect on

Idea dialogu między religiami świata w ujęciu współczesnych pluralistów

, International Journal for Philosophy o f R eligion, 30 (1991), s. 114-115; J.S. O ’L e a r y , Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth, Edinburgh 1996, s. 24. „Pluralizm religijny” w pierwszym znaczeniu odnosi ... Pluralism: The M etaphysical Challenge, w: L.S. R o u n d e r (wyd.), Religious Pluralism, Boston University Studies in Philosophy and R eli­ gion, t. 5, N otre D am e 1984, s. 97-115. 41J. H ic k , Problem

Peace as the fundamental value in the social teaching of the Church

range discussed here. These are th e following: tra ? ditional and new philosophy of peace, dynam ic and "open" notion of peace, realization of values conditioning preservation of peace and care for ... . C ertain values receive broader or even general social consent, then th e y are treated as fundam ental values. These values now include peace3. 1. Traditional and N ew Philosophy of Peace From

A Myth about Myths

contribution in philosophy o f general variabilism. But there is also - in his opinion - a cubterfuge for constance in philosophy o f religion and practise in a cult itself. One ju st has to follow a trail o f ... O D U C TIO N TO PHILOSOPH Y OF RELIGIO N 1.1. Metaphilosophy of religion Philosophy o f religion by Leszek Kołakowski - like all such philoso­ phies o f this kind - is by necessity a tangle of

Case Law Update

matter of plaintiffs action is nonjusticiable because it concerns a political question. Second, they argued that plaintiffs did not state a claim upon which relief may be granted because they cannot prove ... the elements for recovery as a matter of law under any available theory. Company, 467 - 13 With respect to the assertion that the case presents a nonjusticiable political question, the court cited the

Tomaszowa definicja osoby i jej aktualność w myśli współecznej

, Stuttgart 1964, s. 769-781; C. J. D e V o g e l , The Concept o f Personality in Greek and Christian Thought, w: J. K. R y a n (red.), Studies in Philosophy and the History o f Philosophy, t. 2, Washington