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Search: Political Philosophy

299 papers found.
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Examining the sustainable impact of urban expansion and urban expansion policies on archaeological sites: evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia

expansion in Jordan and Saudi Arabia and to prompt planners, policymakers and stakeholders to examine its political ramifications concerning land use and archaeological sites. It emphasizes the necessity of

Temporal speed prevails on interval duration in the SNARC-like effect for tempo

Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna , Bologna , Italy 4 Department of Psychology, University of Milan Bicocca , Milan , Italy The Spatial-Numerical Association of

Me, myself and you: How self-consciousness influences time perception

tell us about time . In D. Llyod & V. Arstila (Eds.), Subjective time: The philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience of temporality . MIT Press. Droit-Volet , S. , & Gil , S. ( 2009 ). The time-emotion

Comparing explicit and implicit ensemble perception: 3 stimulus variables and 3 presentation modes

). The central tendency of judgment . The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods , 7 ( 17 ), 461 - 469 . Kacin , M. , Gauthier, I. , & Cha , O. ( 2021 ). Ensemble coding of average length

The politics of attention: gaze-cuing effects are moderated by political temperament

relative to females (since males exhibit more autism-like traits). In the present study, we examined whether gaze cue effects would be moderated by political temperament, given that those on the political ... likely to be influenced by othersthan those on the left. We found standard gaze-cuing effects across all subjects but systematic differences in these effects by political temperament. Liberals exhibited a


, bedensel gelişim, doğru yaşam.   ABSTRACT Aristotle's View Of The Education Aristotle planned an education from which is necassary for his realistic philosophy and shaped this philosophy doctirine according


, bedensel gelişim, doğru yaşam.   ABSTRACT Aristotle's View Of The Education Aristotle planned an education from which is necassary for his realistic philosophy and shaped this philosophy doctirine according


, bedensel gelişim, doğru yaşam.   ABSTRACT Aristotle's View Of The Education Aristotle planned an education from which is necassary for his realistic philosophy and shaped this philosophy doctirine according

The transposed-word effect provides no unequivocal evidence for parallel processing

), e0277116 . Morey , R. D. , Romeijn , J.-W. , & Rouder , J. A. ( 2016 ). The philosophy of Bayes factors and the quantification of statistical evidence . Journal

Prospects of battery assembly for electric vehicles based on patent analysis

batteries. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Shaanxi Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Research Project (2023QN0169) and National and Regional Research projects of Ministry of Education

Exposure to multisensory and visual static or moving stimuli enhances processing of nonoptimal visual rhythms

Vatakis 1 Multisensory and Temporal Processing Lab (MultiTimeLab), Department of Psychology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences , 136 Syngrou Ave, 17671 Athens , Greece 2 Department of ... History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens , Athens , Greece Research has shown that visual moving and multisensory stimuli can efficiently mediate rhythmic

Evolutionary game analysis of energy saving behavior of tourism enterprises under carbon emission constraints

towards a low-carbon path. FUNDING This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41801137), projects of philosophy and social sciences of Heilongjiang Province (20JYE275


. Because philosophy does not include common opinions everybody agrees on. It has a logical and non-epistomological basis. Although it seems an individualistic and subjective approach, philosophical


. Because philosophy does not include common opinions everybody agrees on. It has a logical and non-epistomological basis. Although it seems an individualistic and subjective approach, philosophical


. Because philosophy does not include common opinions everybody agrees on. It has a logical and non-epistomological basis. Although it seems an individualistic and subjective approach, philosophical


-style, science and philosophy on the one hand, it has put a totally new human model on the other side. The most severe criticism to the volues of modernity has been within itself. Jürgen Habermas is one ... HABERMAS Modernism is one of the great social transformations Europa has lived. While modernism appeared as a new understanding in life-style, scienee and philosophy on the one hand. it has put a


-style, science and philosophy on the one hand, it has put a totally new human model on the other side. The most severe criticism to the volues of modernity has been within itself. Jürgen Habermas is one ... HABERMAS Modernism is one of the great social transformations Europa has lived. While modernism appeared as a new understanding in life-style, scienee and philosophy on the one hand. it has put a


-style, science and philosophy on the one hand, it has put a totally new human model on the other side. The most severe criticism to the volues of modernity has been within itself. Jürgen Habermas is one ... HABERMAS Modernism is one of the great social transformations Europa has lived. While modernism appeared as a new understanding in life-style, scienee and philosophy on the one hand. it has put a

Renewable energy resource assessment for rural electrification: a case study in Nepal

Scholar Crossref Search ADS Google Preview WorldCat COPAC   [11] Sharma JR . Political Economy of Social Change and Development in Nepal . Bloomsbury Publishing , 2021 . Google ... ? Analyzing the role of political risk . Sci Total Environ 2021 ; 751 :142220. Google Scholar OpenURL Placeholder Text WorldCat   [13] Nepal Elictricity Authority , Rural Electrification for

Introduction to the special issue on ensemble perception

experience, whether ensembles provide evidence for “consciousness overflow,” and other significant questions directly related to ensemble perception in the philosophy literature (e.g., Bayne & McClelland ... philosophy with the empirical work would be fruitful. The diversity and growth in the field of ensemble perception in the last twenty years has been remarkable. We hope that this special issue reflects some