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Search: Political Philosophy

549 papers found.
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GUILHERME, Alexandre Anselmo; MORGAN, W. John. Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine Modern European Philosophers. London: Routledge, 2018. 190p.

REVIEWSGUILHERME, Alexandre Anselmo; MORGAN, W. John. Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine Modern European Philosophers. London: Routledge, 2018. 190p.Cibele Cheron* ... , Alexandre Anselmo; MORGAN, W. John. Philosophy, dialogue, and education, . Nine Modern European Philosophers [Filosofia, diálogo e educação: nove filósofos europeus modernos]. London: Routledge, 2018. 190 pp

IHE-Based Image Exchange in the Netherlands

rising need for digital image exchange as a result of that, and the influence of not only privacy and security concerns but also the political factors that shaped the infrastructure in the years that ... , notably that the enablers for information exchange are not only technical provisions, but require also process and political alignment plus fulfilment of important prerequisites such as building trust in

Marxism and the Philosophy of Language: The Reception of Bakhtin and the Circle in Brazil

.” This discussion is part of a larger research study, and the results presented herein are related to one of the works of the Circle, namely, Marxism and the Philosophy of Language and its two translations ... filosofía del lenguaje. Tradução do inglês Rosa Maria Rússonovich. Buenos Aires/Argentina: Ediciones Nueva Visión, 1976. [ Links ] VOLOSHŠINOV, V. N. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Tranlated by

Political trends in drive metapsychology

This article presents a hypothesis about the existence of unconsciously determined political trends, from the concept of drive. The hypothesis is justified by the recognition of the phenomenon of ... articulation with left and right political trends. Keywords: politics; psychoanalysis; drive; repetition Introdução A semelhança entre o processo de civilização e o desenvolvimento libidinal do

Bakhtin and Philosophy

. Buenos Aires: Nova, 1961. [ Links ] WINDELBAND, W. An Introduction to Philosophy. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1921. [ Links ] Recebido: 15 de Fevereiro de 2017; Aceito: 14 de Abril de 2017

Social Evaluation as a Persuasive Resource in Political Discourses: Clinton vs. Trump

Political changes have been intensifying debates about how certain discourses set agendas and influence voters. In this scope, Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic-Functional Linguistics, and ... retórica central. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional; Avaliação social; Análise Crítica do Discurso; Avaliatividade; Pragmática ABSTRACT Political changes have been intensifying

Between science and philosophy: the issue of naturalism on Carl Gustav Jung’s psychology

Carl Gustav Jung’s thinking is characterized by complexity and a continuous dialogue between science and philosophy. His theoretical positions, frequently misunderstood, led him to constant efforts

Between science and philosophy: the issue of naturalism on Carl Gustav Jung’s psychology

Carl Gustav Jung’s thinking is characterized by complexity and a continuous dialogue between science and philosophy. His theoretical positions, frequently misunderstood, led him to constant efforts

Analysis of Social Rap as a Political Discourse of Resistance

Political Interaction. Em: van DIJK, T.A. (Ed.), Discourse studies vol.1 London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2007, pp.262-274. [ Links ] CHILTON, P. Words, Discourse and Metaphors: the Meanings of Deter ...  ] ______. Introduction: Themes and Principles in the Analysis of Political Discourse. In: CHILTON, P. and SCHÄFFNER, C. (Eds.). Politics as Text and Talk: Analytic Approaches to Political Discourse. Amsterdam: John

SOBRAL, Adail. A filosofia primeira de Bakhtin: roteiro de leitura comentado [Bakhtin’s Prima Philosophia: Reading Guide with Comments]. Campinas, SP: Mercado das Letras, 2019. 168 pages.

Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil; [email protected] a Philosophy of the Act (henceforth, TPA) was, as we know it, Bakhtin’s first text, written in the early 1920s, but only publicized in 1986. It has ... creation of a “responsible action of the subject,” the result of which - the philosophy of the act - would be a necessary condition for the “resolution of the crisis of culture, that is, the apartness

The scenario after June 2013: crossed perspectives on political participation and resistance

We investigate young people’s views on the political situation, especially in Brazil, after the so-called June protests. In a scenario marked by the social and economic crisis of capitalism, we

For a history of psychoanalysis’ politics: institutionalization, formation and the analysts’ political stance

. [ Links ] Jacoby, R. (1983). The repression of psychoanalysis: Otto Fenichel and the political freudians. New York, NY: Basic. [ Links ] Jones, E. (1941). Evolution and revolution. The International

For a history of psychoanalysis’ politics: institutionalization, formation and the analysts’ political stance

. [ Links ] Jacoby, R. (1983). The repression of psychoanalysis: Otto Fenichel and the political freudians. New York, NY: Basic. [ Links ] Jones, E. (1941). Evolution and revolution. The International

For a history of psychoanalysis’ politics: institutionalization, formation and the analysts’ political stance

The political history of psychoanalysis is approached as a movement around psychological ideas and practices not in order to draw a historiography of such movement, but to sketch a historically ... . [ Links ] Jacoby, R. (1983). The repression of psychoanalysis: Otto Fenichel and the political freudians. New York, NY: Basic. [ Links ] Jones, E. (1941). Evolution and revolution. The International

On the Road to Digital Pathology in Denmark—National Survey and Interviews

concerns regarding the political pressure to integrate DP before technological advances are sufficient for maintaining rational budgets, workflows, and for sustaining diagnostic quality. This study is a ... MCD stated that “it is an absolute necessity that it comes from above as well, because it is a financial cost that no hospital can bear…..we are part of a political system and our grants and finances

Bakhtin's Bodies

of what is known today as the 'gaze'. Bakhtin's early philosophy is based on a compassionate engagement whereby one person helps another see and know themselves as a whole, and moreover, as a loved ... by Vadim Liapunov and Michael Holquist; translated by Vadim Liapunov. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1990, pp.4-256. [ Links ] BAKHTIN, M. Toward a Philosophy of the Act. Edited by Vadim

Affection and first philosophy: The relationship between phenomenology and life sciences

In this article we support the thesis that the access to the phenomenality of phenomena, including the access to themselves, is only possible in a regime of co-property in life: the life-living affection. We show the implications through a theory of culture, namely the culture of the relations between phenomenology and health sciences. We question the possibility to judge bodies...