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Search: Political Philosophy

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La Filosofía Precautoria como eje ordenador de la educación en CTS

triggered by the premise known as Precaution Principle, topics relevant for educating citizens. The analysis of such topics constitute a program of investigation which we will call «Precautionary Philosophy ... of Political Philosophy, 14: 33-60.         [ Links ] 15. Gerencia Operativa de Curricula del Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (2015). Diseño curricular: ciclo orientado del

From Criminalisation to Individual Choice: Policy Responses to Changing Constructions of Intellectual Disability in Western Australia

of British colonisation until the present day. The authors approach the discussion from a critical disability perspective in the analysis of disability constructs, political responses and social change ... that people with ID were allocated, redirecting the ‘problem’ of disability away from people with disability, directing it instead towards the societal and political realm (Cocks & Allen 1996). The

Governing through personal assistance: a Bulgarian case

freedom. The conclusion suggests practical policy alternatives in line with the Independent Living philosophy and practice. ... tenet of the neo-liberal common sense which now underpins the programmes of most political parties the world over. (Ferguson 2007, 394) The desires to be active, to work or to study are not reducible to

Discurso, subjetividad y filosofía práctica

particularismuniveralism debate. It is an attempt at recovering the specificity of the political in the field of philosophy and at re-thinking its relation with the ethical theory, all of which implies a reconsideration of ... ; Subjetividad; Racionalidad; Política Discourse, subjectivity and practical philosophy Abstract Results of a research project aimed to the construction of theoretical tools for a critical analysis of

Discurso, subjetividad y filosofía práctica

particularismuniveralism debate. It is an attempt at recovering the specificity of the political in the field of philosophy and at re-thinking its relation with the ethical theory, all of which implies a reconsideration of ... ; Subjetividad; Racionalidad; Política Discourse, subjectivity and practical philosophy Abstract Results of a research project aimed to the construction of theoretical tools for a critical analysis of

Discurso, subjetividad y filosofía práctica

particularismuniveralism debate. It is an attempt at recovering the specificity of the political in the field of philosophy and at re-thinking its relation with the ethical theory, all of which implies a reconsideration of ... ; Subjetividad; Racionalidad; Política Discourse, subjectivity and practical philosophy Abstract Results of a research project aimed to the construction of theoretical tools for a critical analysis of

Rancière y la posibilidad de un "acontecimiento

be characterized as a political event in education to the point of causing its crisis.Palavras-chave : Philosophy; Education; Event; Politics; Suspicion. ... explanatory pedagogy, and then to analyze whether the proposal of Rancière/Jacotot might become a political event in education. The condition for it would lie in the fact that the thesis of Rancière could

De científico a científico-tecnólogo: estrategia y compromiso en relatos de conversión de investigadores científicos

conversion from scientist to scientist-technologist: one that emphasizes institutional opportunities and professional strategies; the other that highlights personal commitment to give a social and political

Norwegian rehabilitation policies and the coordination reform’s effect: a critical discourse analysis

socio-political conceptual models are embedded in the texts, the analysis has revealed three orders of rehabilitation discourse: The discourse of reaction, the discourse of action, and the discourse of ... discourse of action, and the discourse of pro-action. The analysis outlines the repositioning of rehabilitation to adhere to socio-political approaches; however, it also questions whether this social turn has

Postsocialist disability matrix

redistribution, cultural recognition, and political representation. The legacy of state socialism has underpinned: segregated service provision; medical-productivist understanding of disability for assessment ... systematically subjected to economic deprivation, cultural devaluation, and political disempowerment, as a number of recent reports have pointed out (e.g. Holland 2008; International Disability Network 2007

El problema de marco como nudo teórico en la interfaz entre la filosofía y las ciencias

The topic establishing the relationships between philosophy and other disciplines is complex and it necessarily requires a literature review and an analysis much more extensive than we could develop ... ; Philosophy of science; Frame problem. O problema de marco como nó teórico na interface entre a filosofia e as ciências Resumo O tópico que trata das relações entre a filosofia e outras disciplinas é

Notes on evaluating the ecology of rehabilitation praxis

rehabilitation and evaluation: The phrase ‘ecology of rehabilitation praxis’ is used to emphasize that rehabilitation is a matter of a situated, lived, technical, moral, and political interaction of people with ... with the artifacts of their environment Three conceptual tools are discussed for understanding the ecology of rehabilitation praxis: community‐based practice philosophy, community of practice, and the

El problema de marco como nudo teórico en la interfaz entre la filosofía y las ciencias

The topic establishing the relationships between philosophy and other disciplines is complex and it necessarily requires a literature review and an analysis much more extensive than we could develop ... ; Philosophy of science; Frame problem. O problema de marco como nó teórico na interface entre a filosofia e as ciências Resumo O tópico que trata das relações entre a filosofia e outras disciplinas é

El problema de marco como nudo teórico en la interfaz entre la filosofía y las ciencias

The topic establishing the relationships between philosophy and other disciplines is complex and it necessarily requires a literature review and an analysis much more extensive than we could develop ... ; Philosophy of science; Frame problem. O problema de marco como nó teórico na interface entre a filosofia e as ciências Resumo O tópico que trata das relações entre a filosofia e outras disciplinas é

La crisis del modelo sindical: Proyectos para la modificación de la Ley de Asociaciones Sindicales

internal fragmentation. The union recomposition also meant the emergence of political conflicts within the unions to return to place the debate on the union model in the center of the scene. This dispute had ... association and analyze the different diagnoses and consequent strategies proposed by the various political forces. Keywords: Union model; Projects of law; Law of union associations; Union uniqueness

Los aspectos ideológicos-pedagógicos del proyecto del «Instituto Secundario C. C. Vigil» (1970-1977)

In this paper we analyze the ideological-pedagogical aspects of the political-educational «Secondary Institute C. C. Vigil». That project was a part of the institutional complex of the Library ... -military dictatorship (1976-1983), suffering a military intervention in 1977 that ended his labor. Keywords: Political educational project; Ideological-pedagogical aspects; The «popular». Resumo Os

La política de vinculación científico-tecnológica en dos universidades argentinas

From a theoretical perspective from political science, this article identifies and analyzes the various university institutional capacities involved in the development of scientific- technological

Human Rights Based Approach to Disability in Development in Uganda: A Way to Fill the Gap between Political and Social Spaces?

“developing countries”. This paper investigates both the theory and practice of human rights based approach to disability in development. The case study is on Uganda, which has succeeded in creating political ... between political and social spaces from the perspective of the human rights based approach, and summarize the significances of the approach to disability in development, and also the challenges in its

Las máquinas pensantes y la educación del futuro: el programa Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (nars)

human reasoning, aiming to describe its reach, limitations and possibilities for use in education. The proposal is also reviewed from different theoretical approaches of contemporary philosophy of science ... ). Philosophy of natural science. Nueva Jersey: Prentice-Hall.         [ Links ] 13. INGLIS , M.; SIMPSON , A. (2006). Characterising mathematical reasoning: studies with the Wason selection task. (pp. 1768

Las máquinas pensantes y la educación del futuro: el programa Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (nars)

human reasoning, aiming to describe its reach, limitations and possibilities for use in education. The proposal is also reviewed from different theoretical approaches of contemporary philosophy of science ... ). Philosophy of natural science. Nueva Jersey: Prentice-Hall.         [ Links ] 13. INGLIS , M.; SIMPSON , A. (2006). Characterising mathematical reasoning: studies with the Wason selection task. (pp. 1768