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Search: Political Philosophy

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Philosophy, Abstract Thought, and the Dilemmas of Philosophy

and acquaintance with the fact that his procedure was willfully creative in the matter of the coinage of words. 4 Richard Kraut, Aristotle: Political Philosophy (New York, NY: Oxford University Press ... difficulty of translating abstract language hold in regards to practical matters, outside of the realm of Quine’s experiment of radical translation? Considering philosophy as a study typically involving

The function of law in political and social conditions of pluralism in the reception of Hannah Arendt

. In o th er words, th e political space, u n lik e in th e philosophy, th e m in d only is not enough for som ething to be considered for th e tru th . We need also some social conditions, am ong w hich ... re tu rn in g in th e A re n d t’s d e lib era­ tions. It is philosophy political p ractice of a n c ie n t Greece. T he a u th o r trie s to find th e re a still u n co n ta m in a te d source of

Constitutionalisation of political changes in Poland during the years 1989-2011

r in g th e y e a r s 1989-1992 The year 1989 was distinctive for a political transform ation in Poland and other countries of E a ste rn and C entral Europe. It was in th is year th a t the first

The Place and Position of Political Parties under the Slovak Legal System

nowadays, has its origin in the second half of the 19th century which was significantly influen? ced by the development of the parliam entary movement and the spread of the right to vote. Political parties

What characterises the culture of a market-oriented organisation applying a customer-intimacy philosophy?

What characterises the culture of a market-oriented firm applying customer-intimacy philosophy? To answer this question, a conceptual framework, drawing on the resource-based perspective and ... and analytical device, rather than as a prescriptive model to highlight the implementation elements of customer-intimacy philosophy. A qualitative research strategy was followed and the in-depth case

Effect of applying quality fundamentals on the performance of airline companies working in the Jordanian market: Field study

, some 60 good questionnaires were received and analyzed. This study came to the following conclusions. Where the philosophy of service quality management was applied, this had a significant impact on (1 ... ) reduction in quality costs in airline companies. This is additionally demonstrated by a positive correlation between the degree to which the philosophy of service quality management was applied and (4) the

Comparative Humanities Review

and Film: Slang, Dialects, Accents and Multiple Languages / Allison Rittmayer … 1 Philosophy, Abstract Thought, and the Dilemmas of Philosophy / James Rickard … 13 The Great War Seen Through the ... ), 14-15. the English-speaking world, would help build the English nation by promoting the vernacular as a useful and dignified medium. So, translation can be dangerous, political, useful, community


can be dangerous, political, useful, community-building—what else? Translation is an art form but can also be a highly technical philological exercise. If I may, as a medievalist of Britain and Ireland ... . James Rickard’s “Philosophy, Abstract Thought, and the Dilemmas of Philosophy” presents the problem of translating the abstract vocabulary of many philosophical works. By examining terms like nomos

Wolność zrzeszania się jako element społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

Critical Theory , Oxford 1982; Z. A. Pełczyński , The State and Civil Society Studies in H egel's Political Philosophy , Cambridge 1984 . 14 E. Wnuk-Lipiński , Socjologia życia publicznego , Warszawa 2005 ... :] A. Bibic , G. Graziano (red .), Civil Society , Political Society, Democracy, Lubljana 1994 , s. 10 . 11 Z. Pełczyński , Wolność, państwo, społeczeństwo. Hegel a problemy współczesnej filozofii

Falsificationist Realism: Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice to Perceive

University of South Carolina i. Introductory Inclinations “Suppose we want truth: why not rather untruth? and uncertainty? even ignorance?”1 In 1886, as the modern analytic tradition of philosophy was just ... both of these methodological principles, and develop an ameliorative philosophy of falsificationist realism that takes as its goal the absolute nature of the world. Furthermore, I demonstrate that

Overthrowing Optimistic Emerson: Edgar Allan Poe’s Aim to Horrify

Philosophy of Composition,” that: “beauty is the atmosphere and the essence of the poem” (1600). In addition, Poe says that, “passion or even truth, may not be introduced, into a poem, [they only serve to ... truth. Poe strategically uses his poem, “The Raven,” as an example for his argument against Emerson, in his essay, “The Philosophy of Composition.” This poem perfectly displays Poe’s argument that beauty

Notes on Contributors

sexuality studies. She will be attending graduate school at Dartmouth College in the fall of 2009. Bryan Kim-Butler graduated with a B.A. in philosophy from Vassar ii iii College in May 2008. His thesis ... , “Foucault, Legal Critique, and Same-Sex Marriage,” examined the push for same-sex marriage in the courts in light of previous court cases dealing with homosexuality, continental philosophy, and legal

Tom Stoppard’s The Coast of Utopia in Russia: Cultural Adaptation

variety of places including “Premukhino, the Bakunin estate,”1 and “Moscow.”2 Voyage deals mostly with Michael Bakunin’s youth and his search to find himself through the study of philosophy, which he does ... not really understand but cites with abandon. Finally, Bakunin decides that “revolution is his new philosophy of self-fulfillment,”3 thus setting his path to the future. Belinsky is also important in

Comparative Humanities Review

and Film: Slang, Dialects, Accents and Multiple Languages / Allison Rittmayer … 1 Philosophy, Abstract Thought, and the Dilemmas of Philosophy / James Rickard … 13 The Great War Seen Through the ... ), 14-15. the English-speaking world, would help build the English nation by promoting the vernacular as a useful and dignified medium. So, translation can be dangerous, political, useful, community

Love, Laughter, and the Harmony of Opposites in Plato’s Symposium

University The interpretations of Plato’s Symposium are as varied and contradictory as the very encomia they address. The disparate parts of the text may be viewed as sophisticated philosophy, laughable ... the Contemplation of Beauty is Human Life Worth Living: Plato, Symposium 211d .” European Journal of Philosophy , 15 . 2007 . Neumann , Harry. “ On the Comedy of Plato's Aristophanes.” The American

For Students of Love: Encomium

their own speeches and opinions on the ever-elusive nature of The Comparative Humanities Review 1 Eros. For those who are not familiar with Plato’s Symposium, it is a dramatic work of philosophy which ... , “Symposium as Metanarrative” gives a historical reading of the Symposium, arguing that Plato wished to lend functionality and legitimacy to philosophy as a way of life. Michelle Gallagher’s essay, which was

Tolerance in law

by social, political a n d leg al n o rm s t h a t a re th e b u ild in g blocks of lib era l dem o? cracy. If th e concept of d iscrim in atio n w ere th e piv o tal p o in t of th is d iscu s? sion ... d g in g th e co n ten t of social a n d political norm s. The second re m a rk re la te s to th e w ay to leran ce is u n d ersto o d in th is article. V arious d efin itio n s of th e concept w ill

Comparative Humanities Review

Dartmouth College in the fall of 2009. Bryan Kim-Butler graduated with a B.A. in philosophy from Vassar ii iii College in May 2008. His thesis, “Foucault, Legal Critique, and Same-Sex Marriage,” examined the ... push for same-sex marriage in the courts in light of previous court cases dealing with homosexuality, continental philosophy, and legal scholarship influenced by the work of Foucault. His interests in

Radio as a Tool of the State: Radio Moscow and the Early Cold War

, Zulu, and Malagasy. English and French language output for the African continent was also increased by the end of the decade.13 Purpose of International Political Broadcasting and Radio Moscow In ... following major change in procedure: “The central radio stations in Moscow must first of all ensure timely broadcasts of important political information, effective commentary on domestic and foreign events

Overstepping Otherness: Christine de Pizan and Letitia Elizabeth Landon’s Genealogical Retranslations of Canonized Text

to retranslate important texts—they must “invaginate” a source text and, in completing or mistranslating the text, allow their retranslation to grant female canonization, genealogically based political ... profession to survive in the urban world. This use of genealogy is not simply that of dismantling Wordsworth but, more importantly, a penetration— invagination—of Wordsworth poetry for female political