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M. A. Muqtedar Khan. Islam and Good Governance: A Political Philosophy of Ihsan.

awareness. Instead, he argues, Ihsan should be applied to politics and society. He reserves chapter 6 for outlining the historical background of Islamic political philosophy from the Rightly Guided Caliphs to ... structural level but in a process of change, he deliberately dismisses the problems posed by political philosophy. His proposal to turn to love from law draws an imaginary line between laws to morality. He

One Nation, Under Fraud: A Remonstrance

This Remonstrance presents a counter-cultural narrative and analysis of Maine’s legal, political, economic, and social interactions with the Wabanaki people. Although contemporary indicia of abuses ... historico-legal perspective. Presenting its analysis through an historic, legal, political, economic, and social nexus, this Remonstrance traces the ontogeny of control exerted by the State of Maine over the

The Growing List of Reasons to Amend The Maine Indian Jurisdictional Agreement

future federal laws benefiting tribes and native peoples. And, it did so without the consent of the tribes located within Maine. In addition to recognizing how economic and political realities influenced ... 1970s negotiations, as well as useful understandings into the larger political, social, legal, and economic context of the time.20 This Article seeks to build upon these reports, studies, books, hearings


also covers Weber’s views on the argumentative limits of the social sciences and ethics. The center of Weber’s philosophy of science is constituted by his methodological thoughts on “ethical neutrality ... applying an empirical scientific procedure. However, in contemporary political philosophy, John Rawls proposed such a procedure to resolve conflicts between conceptions of justice. He claims that a


Up until Kant’s critical philosophy, it was not easy to speak of the “world” itself as distinct from “nature”. After Kant, the world began to be considered from a historical perspective. Therefore ... national, social and political institutions.”7 Thus, the world 1 Jan A. Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction (London: Macmillan Press, 2000), 17. 2 David Held and others, Global Transformations

Hüseyin Yılmaz. Caliphate Redefined: The Mystical Turn in Ottoman Political Thought

1258’de Bağdat’ın Moğolların eline geçmesiyle Abbasi halifeliğinin fiilen ortadan kalkması İslam tarihinin en önemli dönüm noktalarından biridir. İslam dünyasında bu dönemden sonra siyaset dilinin ve ideolojisinin yeni ortaya çıkan bölgesel hükümdarlıklar tarafından şekillendiği artık tarih yazımında da bilinen bir durumdur. Son yıllarda Abdurrahman Atçıl ve Guy Burak’ın...

Gun Control: Political Fears Trump Crime Control

?” Is there a hidden political dynamic? But “hidden” means hard to find. So maybe we should look for the answer in a related jurisdiction that keeps more extensive records of its government’s

Marc Van de Mieroop. Philosophy Before The Greeks: The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Bayblonia

Yakındoğu düşüncesinden etkilenmiş olduğu fikri ikinci bir iddia olarak da gündemdedir. Marc Van De Mieroop’un Philosophy Before the Greeks kitabı da felsefenin Yunan öncesi döneminin peşine düşmektedir

National Security Rules: America's Constitution of Law and War

Contemporary debates over the appropriate allocation of war powers between the political branches overemphasize the rigidity of the Constitution’s framework. This style of academic discussion ... presidential supremacy, we should instead look to text, history, and structure for guidance on how the political branches can legitimately and affirmatively negotiate their emergent responsibilities. This

Digital Court Records Access: Social Justice and Judicial Balancing

important in our democracy, and it is critical that we take measures to preserve both. The purpose of writing this essay is to show that Judge Coffin’s judicial philosophy and rights-sensitive balancing ... philosophy and using his rights-sensitive balancing process as a guide in managing the transition to electronic records. It offers a glimpse into how Judge Coffin, if asked, might go about the task of

Philosophy of voltage-gated proton channels

In this review, voltage-gated proton channels are considered from a mainly teleological perspective. Why do proton channels exist? What good are they? Why did they go to such lengths to develop several unique hallmark properties such as extreme selectivity and ΔpH-dependent gating? Why is their current so minuscule? How do they manage to be so selective? What is the basis for our...

Election SLAPPs: Effective at Suppressing Political Participation and Giving Anti-SLAPP Statutes the Slip

potential labyrinth of litigation. A SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) is a lawsuit that typically has no merit, but is filed to prevent the defendant from participating in a political ... School of Law Digital Commons. For more information , please contact , USA - ELECTION SLAPPS: EFFECTIVE AT SUPPRESSING POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND GIVING ANTISLAPP STATUTES THE SLIP I. II. III. IV

Richard Bourke. Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke.

Edmund Burke üzerine oluşan ikincil literatür, 19. yüzyılda biçimlenen ideolojik karşıtlıklar üzerinden okumaya dayalı modern siyaset düşüncesinin etkisi altında kalmıştır. Burke’ün muhafazakâr düşüncenin kurucusu olduğu, liberal ve yenilikçi söylemlere kapalı bir düşünce yapısını benimsediğine dair yaygın kanı onun Fransız Devrimi düşmanlığına dayanarak oluşmuştur.

“Modern-Premodern” Tartışmasının Ötesinde İbn Haldun’un Düşüncesi

): 20 - 26 . Mahdi , Muhsin ve Ralph Lerner. Medieval Political Philosophy. New York: Cornell University Press, 1963 . Mahdi , Muhsin. Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History . Chicago: The University of ... .” Sheldon S. Wolin, Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004), 218-219; siyasetin ilkeleri ile felsefenin ilkelerini buluşturan

Five Times More Likely: Haaland v. Brackeen and What It Could Mean for Maine Tribes

their motions.158 First considering the question of equal protection, the court determined the definition of Indian child was a racial, rather than political, classification.159 The court reasoned that ... families.194 To determine the constitutionality of these provisions, the court’s first question was whether they are based on political or racial classifications.195 Political classifications need only to

Badiou’nun “Felsefe Kavgası”: Varlık-Olay-Özne-Hakikat

This article focuses on the contemporary French philosopher Alain Badiou. Writing his primary works after 1980, his views have become popular in virtue of both the emerging social and political ... ethical-political level, as well as cultural studies and relativistic approaches at social-scientific and philosophical levels. He thus re-invokes philosophy to come into existence by criticizing those

The Dark Matter of Federal Indian Law: The Duty of Protection

relationship was almost always ignored and belittled. In recent decades, with the rise of the federal policy favoring tribal selfdetermination, that narrative is changing to some extent as a political matter ... that the judiciary undermines federal Indian affairs policy at will, just as tribal nations have begun to successfully assert political power in Congress and governmental capabilities at home.34 This is

Modern Siyaset Tasavvurunun Paradigmatik Öncülleri

The paradigmatic boundaries of modern political imaginary were drawn in Europe throughout the seventeenth century. Although it went through several intra-paradigmatic revisions, the mainstream ... Makyavelli hak eder.” Leo Strauss, The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis (Chicago: The university of Chicago Press, 1963) , s. xv; ayrıca bkz. Leo Strauss, What is Political


revolutions in terms of similarities and parallels. Benjamin’s concept of history will be evaluated as the possibility of political action. Hegel’s idea of progressive history considers history as the unfolding ... , Image-Space: Temporalizaton of Politics in Walter Benjamin's Philosophy of History and Art (Finland : SoPhi Academic Press, 1998 ), 43 . 12Walter Benjamin, “Tarih Üzerine Tezler,” Son Bakışta Aşk: Walter