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Taking Embodiment Seriously in Ethics and Political Philosophy

/Z 1 University of Birmingham , Birmingham , UK It is a common refrain in a certain brand of critical theorising that both liberal political philosophy and ethical theory pay insufficient attention to ... people’s embodiment seriously should look like in ethical theory and political philosophy. To this end, in section  2, I consider the reasons why we ought to take embodiment seriously in ethical theory and

You Can’t Have Your Steak and Call for Political Action on Climate Change, Too

Political of Philosophy 21 ( 3 ): 243 - 259 . Lawford-Smith , H. 2015 . Unethical Consumption & Obligations to Signal. Ethics and International Affairs 29 ( 3 ): 315 - 330 . Lin , B.H. , J.C. Buzby , T.D ... conscious consumption, while perhaps valuable in some respects, has nothing to do with our obligations to fight climate change-where our obligations involve political action aimed at combatting climate change

On the Idea of Degrees of Moral Status

.:(012134536789) 1 Introduction A central question in contemporary ethics and political philosophy concerns which entities have moral status.1 Any specific view on this issue has far reaching implications. Having ... moral status makes all the difference for an entity—it changes how it ought to be treated, what it is entitled to, and what legal, political, social, and economic institutions should be realised to

What Confucianism and for Whom? The Value and Dilemma of Invoking Confucianism in Confucian Political Theories

, qua philosophy, aspires to universal engagement.10 This, however, also means that they bear more burdens of bringing Confucian philosophy into dialogue with various strands of moral and political theory ... : Oxford University Press. Angle , Stephen C. 2012 . Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy . London: Polity. Bai , Tongdong. 2019 . Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case . Princeton, NJ

Work Relationships and Autonomy

. ' Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy' , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Available at: [accessed June 10th, 2020 ]. 2. Nedelsky , J. 2013 ... , A. 2016 . Meaningful work . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 8. Roessler , B. 2012 . ' Meaningful work: arguments from autonomy' . Journal of Political Philosophy 20 /1: 71 - 93 . 9. Van Parijs , P

Free Will, Religious Conflict, and the Social Contract

”, Philosophy & Public Affairs 14 (3) ( 1985 ), pp. 223-251. 4 Rawls, “Justice as Fairness”, p. 223. 5 Rawls, “Justice as Fairness”, p. 230. 6 Rawls, Political Liberalism, pp. 223-227. 7 Rawls, Political ... . Does this mean, then, that any social contract is an impossibility? I 52 Rawls, Political Liberalism, pp. 144–150. 53 Iris Marion Young, “Rawls’s Political Liberalism”, Journal of Political Philosophy 3

Meaning in Life as the Comprehensive Value. Towards a Better Understanding of the Relationship Between Meaningfulness and Morality

Philosophy Department, Bielefeld University , 33501 Bielefeld , Germany How does meaningfulness relate to morality? Does moral action contribute to a meaningful life? Is it even necessary for such a life? Or ... being good and doing good in their roles as parent, daughter, lover, friend, and from furthering or trying to further social and political goals.” (2010, p. 61) However, with such a large overlap, how can

Insult and Injustice in Epistemic Partiality

high level of incompetence implied. We can also consider the negative social and political consequences of refusing the third-person reports of racially or sexually aggravated violence or discrimination ... fail to find fully intelligible’ (2011, 244). Risky testimony, for Dotson, ‘runs the risk of leading to the formation of false beliefs that can cause social, political, and/or material harm’ (2011, 244

Ideal Theory and Its Fairness Role

and comparative approaches to political philosophy. He associates the former with Rawls, who takes a model of a perfectly just society formulated in ideal theory as necessary before we can consider how ... Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 258– 279; Colin Farrelly, “Justice in Ideal Theory: A Refutation,” Political Studies, Vol. 55, No. 4, (2007), 844–864; William A. Galston, “Realism in

Tackling Climate-Induced Migration of Fish Populations in the North Atlantic from a Legal, Political and Socio-Economic Perspective

Due to climate change, a significant migration of fish is taking place in respect of which current legal and economic norms and instruments are ill equipped to manage. Various disputes in the past, and a list of factors indicating that there shall be more such disputes in the future, underscore the inadequacy of socio-economic governance and legal norms on this issue. To avoid...

Moral Monsters, Significance, and Meaning in Life

Kapital and later joins Vladimir Lenin, who eventually leads a successful political revolution. After Lenin passes away, Ioseb - now Joseph Stalin - becomes de facto leader of Soviet Russia at forty-six ... of my actions were extremely harmful” (Edwards 2000, p. 144) . 7 The growing body of work in experimental philosophy on meaning in life appears to both reflect the various positions within the cited

Death, Badness, and Well-Being at a Time

. Weighing Lives . New York: Oxford University Press. 9. Broome , John. 2012 . The badness of death and the goodness of life . In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death , ed. B. Bradley , F. Feldman , and ... , W.R. 1999 . Will I be a dead person? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 : 167 - 171 . 14. Dorsey , Dale. 2013 . Desire-satisfaction and welfare as temporal . Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

Empathy, Motivating Reasons, and Morally Worthy Action

of reasons? Philosophical Explorations 12 ( 2 ): 181 - 193 . Arpaly , Nomy. 2002 . Moral Worth . Journal of Philosophy 99 : 223 - 245 . Arpaly , N. , and T. Schroeder . 2013 . In praise of Desire ... . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bailey , O. 2022 . Empathy and the value of Humane understanding . Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 ( 1 ): 50 - 65 . 5 Bartlett, G. 2018 . Occurrent States

Is There a Ground to Assert an International Cooperation Duty? Essay On International Law in the Context Of The Kantian Ethical Practice

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Palavras-chave : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo

Existe um fundamento para afirmar um dever de cooperação internacional? Ensaio sobre o direito internacional no quadro da ética prática kantiana

unfolding of some of these precepts can sustain a duty of international cooperation by States.Keywords : international cooperation; public international law; political philosophy; normative theory of ...  ] Flinkschuh, Katrin, Kant and Modern Political Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [ Links ] Goyard-Fabre, Simone, Os fundamentos da ordem jurídica, tr. de Maria Ermantina Galvão, São Paulo