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Search: Political Philosophy

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Henry M. Pachter: Modern Germany: A Social, Cultural and Political History

. Worgitsky feels more specifically, one cannot consider the i t i s better to have a companion, so that philosophy, religion and science of this period one can see the world, not from a single in 3 pages, as

Peter Marcuse: Missing Marx. A Personal and Political Journal of a Year in East Germany, 1989-1990

Sache bis zuletzt treu ergebenen und kenntnisreichen Zeitzeugen, der für das Verständnis der DDR, vor allem der fünfziger Jahre, unumgänglich ist. Marcuse, Peter. Missing Marx. A Personal and Political

Anita M. Mallinckrodt: The Environmental Dialogue in the GDR. Literature, Church, Party, and Interest Groups in Their Socio-Political Context

Environmental Dialogue in the GDR. Literature, Church, Party, and Interest Groups in their Socio-Political Context. Lanham, M D : University Press of America, 1987. 198 pp. Die innerhalb der Reihe Studies in GDR

Felsefe ve Eleştirel Düşünme

Without knowing the rules and concerns of philosophy, administering its methods, and raising the awareness of philosophical attitude, it is very difficult to educate individuals who can think ... conscious about the elements of this philosophy and know the features of philosophical attitude and thinking. On the basis of the assumption that the theoretical basis of this claim should be laid, the

When the Mirror is Broken, What Remains? Christa Wolf's Was Bleibt

enough low punches to take our collective breath away. When we political philosophy, later in a "cultural heritage" of literary recover it, we may be tempted to respond in equally intolerant allusion and ... have rarely succeeded in viewing each other's literary and other artistic products outside the political realm, nor is it, in many cases, appropriate to attempt this. But to judge these works solely on


Keywords: ethical, leadership, Organizational, cynicism, teacher, manager EXTENTED ABSTRACT Introduction Ethics is a field of philosophy defined in different ways both in the intellectual dimension and in ... professional organizations should obey or stay away from (TDK, 2006). The concept of ethics is used in philosophy inthe same sense as morality. True and false, good and bad, righteous and flawed acts are about

Sınıf Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmen Yetiştirme Programındaki Derslerin Gerekliliği ve İşe Vurukluk Düzeyleri Hakkındaki Görüşleri

, Turkish teaching, school experiences, classroom management courses. Minimum order required courses, general physics, history of civilization, general chemistry, philosophy of education, sociology of

Volker Braun. Der Stoff zum Leben 1-3

appeared in Training des aufrechten Gangs. In this 1979 volume Braun scrutinized the GDR's political practices and condemned the continuation of hierarchical power structures. These poems present Braun's ... internal conflict which Braun experienced during the late 1980s. The juxtaposition of New York and Beijing, centers of the two political ideologies at odds, indicates that Braun is grappling with extremes


program is threefold: to en­ courage research on economic, political and social aspects of modern and contemporary German and Euro­ pean affairs; to promote the comparative and inter­ disciplinary study of ... political and societal context. The symposium, entitled "The Con­ temporary German M i n d , " will explore major intellect­ ual and creative currents in Germany today. Among the participants will be Hans

Karlheinz Kaspar: Sachwörterbuch für den Literaturunterricht, Klassen 9 bis 12

ballast of Lukacsian normative aesthetics conflicts with a heightened instrumentalization of literature by the state. In any case, the political signi­ ficance of the repression in which Lukacs par­ ... ticipated — remember his role in Linkskurve — cannot be taken back as immediately as, say, Leverkiihn tried with Beethoven, simply by sacri­ ficing Lukacs' name: the political question remains to be posed

Verena Blaum: Kunst und Politik im Sonntag 1946-1958. Eine historische Inhaltsanalyse zum deutschen Journalismus der Nachkriegsjahre

social, political and intellectual environment requiring constant attention has left them with two basic alternatives. It is possible to constantly monitor factors such as popular taste, critical opinion ... recent times, Brecht is a good example of the more worldly approach. In his latter poetry, particularly, he attempted, in line with a Leninist philosophy which promoted collective over individual concerns


learns that glasnost is clearly a cultural and artistic force as well as a political one. This festival offers so much insight and so much exceptional music that it can be recom­ mended without hesitation ... Political Science, So. Illinois Univer­ sity, Edwardsville, IL 62026. Seminar II: Socialism in the Colors of the G D R : Change and Preservation. Organized by Irma Hanke, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, T

Helmut Brandt, ed.: Friedrich Schiller. Angebot und Diskurs. Zugänge. Dichtung. Zeitgenossenschaft

to have given expression and the essays address political, economical, and cultural dimensions insight to the c r i s i s in G D R society, by virtue of their of the Fall 1989 events, as well as such ... their chronology of events from 11 August to 15 November. solidarity with the political dissatisfaction of the populace until Reiner Schedlinski's essay, "gibt es die ddr überhaupt?" (an such action no

Visiting Lecturers

; Education and Socialization; Business; International Affairs; Religion; Ideology; Philosophy; Urban Affairs, and Europe and the Third World. For information contact Bernard Kolasa, Political Science ... will be "Dimensions of Change in the GDR." As in past years, the Symposium will be interdisciplinary: economists, political scientists, sociologists, and other social scien­ tists, as well as Germanists

Travel and Exchange

; current issues and future prospects in cultural, politi­ cal, economic or military areas; education and socialization; business; international affairs; religion; ideology; philosophy; languages; information ... , Conference Coordinator. Requests for more information should be sent to the same address. Bernard Kolasa, Conference Coordinator Political Studies University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, Nebraska 68182 Tel

Helga Königsdorf: Über die unverzügliche Rettung der Welt. Essays

, individual perseverance coupled with a lack of hope, increasing alienation, loneliness, a sense of inefficaciousness and the resultant desire for a "starken Mann." The current political scene is assessed as ... S S B A C H E R Washington University K r y g i e r , M a r t i n , ed. Marxism and Communism: Posthumous Reflections on Politics, Society, and Law. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and


, Political, Social, Economic or Military Areas; Education and Socialization; Business; International Affairs; Religion; Ideology; Philosophy; Urban Affairs, and Europe and the Third World. For information ... of Change in the GDR." As in past years, the Symposium will be interdisciplinary: economists, political scientists, sociologists, and other social scien­ tists, as well as Germanists and specialists in

Klaus Jarmatz et al., eds.: Kritik in der Zeit. Literaturkritik der DDR

statements of position represents a prodigious sampling (120 entries) of the stances taken by c r i t i c s , the cultural-political hierarchy, and especially by the authors of literary works themselves toward ... . 5 [1979], Iss. 3, Art. 16 become more numerous as we proceed towards Published three times a year. Correspon­ the present, thus tacitly reflecting the dence should be addressed to: Patricia philosophy


production philosophy, decisions and recommendations produced during the commission activities, this study may contribute to the discussions on the importance of computer use in primary and secondary education