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Search: Political Philosophy

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Political Emotions in Boys and Girls in Medellín

The vindication of the place of community mothers in the formation of political emotions in boys and girls is a necessary step to strengthen the care practices that are lived in the community homes ... Artículos derivados de investigación Prácticas de cuidado de madres comunitarias que ayudan a la formación de emociones políticas en los niños y las niñas. Medellín Political Emotions in

Power and Sanitocracy in Latin America. Political Reconfiguration in the Pandemic of 2020

the interdisciplinary discussion between theory and political science and philosophy on the reproduction of power in Latin America under conditions of state of exception, biological threat, and ... , which allowed a conceptual reconstruction as an angle of view to understand a phenomenon, which marked the power relations on the planet. Keyword: Government; Political Power; and Virus

Politicization of Waste: Political Transits of the Abject in Neoliberal Rationality

If we want to reconstruct politics and resist being governed by neoliberalism, in this way, we must recognize our precarious condition, our finitude and, inevi tably, the need we have for others in order to survive. The way out, in line with Butler's proposal, is a policy of alliances, which confronts the contemporary in dividualizing logic that inoculates the idea that there are...

Por la defensa de la libertad: participación juvenil en torno a las ideas liberales/libertarias en Mendoza, Argentina

The following article is an exploratory research on youth politicization towards political practices and discourses of liberal/ libertarian right-wing parties in the province of Mendoza during 2022 ... profiles of young members and supporters of libertarian/liberal political parties, their militant commitments, and the process of political subjectivization. Data was collected through qualitative and

Por la defensa de la libertad: participación juvenil en torno a las ideas liberales/libertarias en Mendoza, Argentina

The following article is an exploratory research on youth politicization towards political practices and discourses of liberal/ libertarian right-wing parties in the province of Mendoza during 2022 ... profiles of young members and supporters of libertarian/liberal political parties, their militant commitments, and the process of political subjectivization. Data was collected through qualitative and

Por la defensa de la libertad: participación juvenil en torno a las ideas liberales/libertarias en Mendoza, Argentina

The following article is an exploratory research on youth politicization towards political practices and discourses of liberal/ libertarian right-wing parties in the province of Mendoza during 2022 ... profiles of young members and supporters of libertarian/liberal political parties, their militant commitments, and the process of political subjectivization. Data was collected through qualitative and

Por la defensa de la libertad: participación juvenil en torno a las ideas liberales/libertarias en Mendoza, Argentina

The following article is an exploratory research on youth politicization towards political practices and discourses of liberal/ libertarian right-wing parties in the province of Mendoza during 2022 ... profiles of young members and supporters of libertarian/liberal political parties, their militant commitments, and the process of political subjectivization. Data was collected through qualitative and

Cyberactivism and Technopolitics. Construction of Citizenships from Political Socialization, The Internet, and Networks

for understanding complex rea lities, socialization, and political subjectivity contribute to the construction of a multi-cultural character in this perspective. Social networks in convergence of ... . “Political Communication”. En: Comparative Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press , 2008, p. 473-489. [ Links ] Gilabert, F. J. 2016. Jóvenes, Internet y Política. El cambio de paradigma tecnopolítico

La contradictoria relación entre los jóvenes y la política institucional: una mirada desde los votantes de Gabriel Boric

This article explores the political participation of young people in the election of Gabriel Boric and their relationship with institutional politics. A qualitative methodology is used, and it is ... participation therefore not contradictory to other forms of participation. It is also concluded that political parties are regarded as fundamental entities for social organization, even though their perceived

La contradictoria relación entre los jóvenes y la política institucional: una mirada desde los votantes de Gabriel Boric

This article explores the political participation of young people in the election of Gabriel Boric and their relationship with institutional politics. A qualitative methodology is used, and it is ... participation therefore not contradictory to other forms of participation. It is also concluded that political parties are regarded as fundamental entities for social organization, even though their perceived

Memory Traps, Induced Forgetfulness, and Biased Memories. Social Representations of Historical Events

the State) invisible, by generating a convenient and induced oblivion, which is functional to the interests of certain social sectors that hold political, economic, and media power, which promote ... the maintenance of political violence in order to maintain their power. These hegemonic memory processes constitute a psychosocial barrier to the construction of peace, democracy, and reconciliation in

Political Polarization and Family Relationships: Relational Practices and Configuration Mechanisms of Political Posture as Psychosocial Barriers to Democracy and Peace in Medellin

From this analysis, social beliefs, collective emotional orientations, and narratives of the past were identified, which shape the dynamics of political polarization within families and relational ... the political posture from which they position themselves in the face of political difference with the other. This phenomenon is also an obstacle to the opening of public debate spaces about the

Parliamentary Supremacy versus Judicial SupremacyHow can adversarial judicial, public, and political dialogue be institutionalised?

The battles between proponents and opponents of judicial supremacy have recently intensified in the US and also in Europe. I summarise the debates in political philosophy, legal theory and ... Social and Political Philosophy (Faculty of Humanities) and of Sociology (Faculty of Social Sciences) at the University from anonymous reviewers and from Leonard Besselink, Nik de Boer, Bas Schotel, Marcel

Dialectics of the Social Outburst in Colombia in 2021: Ecosystem of the Political-Economic Contest Inherent to Capitalism-Imperialism. (Third part: actors 2)

The social outburst in 2021, resulting from the strike of April 28, the great strike in the recent history of this country, was a predominantly spontaneous struggle, organized on a day-to-day basis, but without a plan, a strategy, a scientific-po litical vanguard, and fully articulated goals. That is to say, if one seeks to trans form a society from its roots, a country, which...

Fundamental Rights and the EU Internal Market: Just how Fundamental are the EU Treaty Freedoms?A Normative Enquiry Based on John Rawls’ Political Philosophy

fundamental rights. It uses the political philosophy of John Rawls to assess why we should attach priority to certain rights and which rights should therefore be considered fundamental rights. On this basis it ... important, and be very careful in allowing restrictions on fundamental rights for the purpose of protecting this market access. This article uses the political philosophy of John Rawls and his philosophical

Conflicto armado y (des)campesinización en el curso de vida de las actuales juventudes en el Sur de Bolívar Colombiano

Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV). It proposes a perspective of the armed conflict through the analysis of the generational positions of today’s youths within the context of the socio-political ... of Graphic Novels and Comics, 6(2), 154-171. DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2015.1027940 [ Links ] Mollett, S. y Faria, C. (2013). Messing with Gender in Feminist Political Ecology. Geoforum, 45, 116-125

Conflicto armado y (des)campesinización en el curso de vida de las actuales juventudes en el Sur de Bolívar Colombiano

Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV). It proposes a perspective of the armed conflict through the analysis of the generational positions of today’s youths within the context of the socio-political ... of Graphic Novels and Comics, 6(2), 154-171. DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2015.1027940 [ Links ] Mollett, S. y Faria, C. (2013). Messing with Gender in Feminist Political Ecology. Geoforum, 45, 116-125

Conflicto armado y (des)campesinización en el curso de vida de las actuales juventudes en el Sur de Bolívar Colombiano

Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV). It proposes a perspective of the armed conflict through the analysis of the generational positions of today’s youths within the context of the socio-political ... of Graphic Novels and Comics, 6(2), 154-171. DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2015.1027940 [ Links ] Mollett, S. y Faria, C. (2013). Messing with Gender in Feminist Political Ecology. Geoforum, 45, 116-125

Conflicto armado y (des)campesinización en el curso de vida de las actuales juventudes en el Sur de Bolívar Colombiano

Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV). It proposes a perspective of the armed conflict through the analysis of the generational positions of today’s youths within the context of the socio-political ... of Graphic Novels and Comics, 6(2), 154-171. DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2015.1027940 [ Links ] Mollett, S. y Faria, C. (2013). Messing with Gender in Feminist Political Ecology. Geoforum, 45, 116-125