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A Feminist Act of Defiance: ‘Iphigenia says no’ by Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke

rewriting: these are a feminist anti-war stance that is distinct from the anti-war stance of male poets like Seferis; the peace movements of the Cold War period and their political reverberations in Greece in ... briefer if pertinent observations, generally highlighting the political impact of the play on the work of modern poets. In their respective studies, Michelakis and Hall systematically explore subversive

Goodbye, Mr. Marshall: The Dreamworld of Francoism

of Bienvenido to bypass Francoist censorship, smuggling through classical Freudian dream-work distortion—condensation, displacement, symbolization—subversive ideological and political contents. Despite ... to the Dreaming Collective: Walter Benjamin's Political Dream Interpretation.” Philosophy & Social Criticism . Vol. 2 No. 6 , pp. 87 - 111 . London: Sage Publication, 1996 . Palacio , Manuel. “ La

Panorama del teatro de los ochenta y noventa (siglo XX) en Venezuela: la experiencia del Centro de Directores para el Nuevo Teatro (C.D.N.T)

Abstract:In this paper we will discuss the Venezuelan theater of the 1980s and 1990s and give an account of the historical and political context in which it emerged. We will specifically analyze the experience

Placing ‘moderns’ in a ‘classic’ series: the case of J. M. Dent’s Everyman’s Library

’), which shows awareness of the climate of political unrest and turbulence that affected the country. Rhys’s interpretation of ‘modern’ anticipates what James Milne in ‘The Popular Reprint in England ... . It also invites further reflection on the political and canonizing appeal to the future of publishing which projects as ambitious as Everyman were making. It is only in retrospect that the ‘past’ can

Members Gain Political Clout

. With more than 100,000 members, ASCP has clout. When ASCP bands together with like-minded societies, the profession as a whole gains political strength. ASCP has collaborated with numerous organizations ... of national, state, and local political representatives about the potential negative impact on the practice of medicine. Florida Licensure Issues ASCP scored an important victory for Florida

From República inmoral to La peste fascista: Agit-prop theatre of the second republic

propagandistic theatre to fUrther their political aims. It examines the purpose, both political and artistic, of this theatre before going on to demonstrate how its reception by the state"s censors during the ... Second Republic and the early Civil War years mirrored the political changes and confusión of the period. Finally, some conclusions are drawn about the worth of this theatre, both as art and as social

The isolation of America: The ideological and poetic purpose of misrepresentation

, as an island in his play, Brazil Restored. It will be argued that the apparent geographical error is due to the intervention of the Count-Duke of Olivares in the play to signal the Imperial political ... traditional enemies of the Catholic faith, Protestants and Jews. The article shows how the political position of separation and isolation of the Américas from the metrópolis is related to the two earlier plays

Plato’s queer time: dialogic moments in the life and death of Socrates

affective model of time that exemplify ‘queer time’.3 Plato himself, in his later dialogues, points to a philosophy of history and periodization, but his own non-linear construction of Socrates’ biography in ... , there is the sense of political and social crisis generating a distinctive experience of temporality, the recognition of a foreshortened future, seen in responses to two events which brought suffering and

Post-apocalyptic humanism in Hesiod, Mary Shelley, and Olaf Stapledon

which I would add that, while Saunders certainly appreciates that the main thrust of Dicaearchus’s account is ‘to present the life of early man as autarkic, a good thing in Aristotle’s political ... philosophy’, it is difficult to see how it can be construed as ‘only minimally autarkic’, given how much more free from dependence on others his early humans are in comparison to the life of the present

The making of a democratic symbol: the case of Socrates in North-American popular media, 1941–56

that during this period of acute political stress over issues of national security, Cold War orthodoxies and McCarthyism, creative artists developed distinctive interpretations of Socrates as oblique ... ancient political philosophy re-examining the historical Socrates’ relation to Athenian democracy, as well as work on Socratic philosophy’s capacity to speak to issues in contemporary democratic theory

Teatro del Oprimido

Augusto Boal lies in not being a conventional didactic theatre that aims to direct the audience towards the ideal prototype in accordance with social and political norms. It is a pedagogical theatre where


antiquity itself. Topics that fall within its scope include: the post-classical origins of the term ‘anachronism’ and its application in modern scholarship in Classics and the philosophy of history; the ... presence of anachronism in a variety of classical texts, including drama, historiography, and philosophy, and in material objects; and approaches to the concept in ancient criticism and scholarship. The

A study in reception: the British debates over Aristophanes’ politics and influence

Scholars have long debated Aristophanes’ political outlook and the influence of his plays on Athenian life, but what has been underappreciated up to this point is that these dual questions have ... most important and disputed issues were Aristophanes' political views and practical influence. The intensity of these arguments subsided in the late nineteenth century, and a new interpretation emerged

Unapprehended relations

these dialogues in the context of the deeply political nature of his thinking about antiquity. His engagement with ancient poetry and art is matched by extensive consideration of historiography and ... political history, and by a sensitivity to what he saw as the intellectually deleterious effects of institutions that shaped the social life of the ancient world, most prominently organized religion and

Introduction: The Legacy of the Republican Roman Senate

The Senate was a central element in the political organization of Republican Rome, despite a considerable degree of imprecision over its exact functions and powers. As subsequent periods attempted to ... to Polybius? work, including its political theory. 7 Lintott (19 : 214 ?32 ); Arena (201 : 81 ?16 ); Atkins (2013 ). 2 election by the people.8 Magistracies were held only for a year; membership of

Homer and Greek tragedy in early modern England's theatres: an introduction

prerequisite ? as well as rhetoric, dialectic, and moral and political philosophy. Aristotle?s Politics, for instance, which is on Jardine?s list, attracted extensive attention in England in the sixteenth ... expertise. His Greek selection may have also been linked with his recent publication of the political prose of Euripides? celebrated translator, George Buchanan.76 Indeed, two years later, by Euripides that

Introduction: Strange Meetings

, Modernist and Early Twentieth-Century Studies, Philosophy, and Political Theory. The discussions also intersect with recent work in the fields of Gender, Trauma, and International Peace Studies. Most of the ... neatly aligned with their respective imperial structures and political aspirations. However, as this collection of papers will demonstrate, in this traumatic period Classics was drawn upon to articulate

The disappearance of the character in the theatre of Angélica Liddell: The Nubila Wahlheim paradigm

is precisely this idealism that leads her expound an ideology which encompasses the totality of the human being, from the artistic to the metaphysic (without ignoring the socio-political), and which ... identifies as ‘nothing’ (Ibid. 81), taken from Liddell’s other idealist mediations: the philosophy of Heidegger. This philosophy views total negation as a vehicle for reaching the absolute, and from there it

Autorretratos: Autoimágenes de Directores

effacement by the regime. Panahi turns the kind of reflexive cinema that, in the Unites States, would risk critical dismissal as narcissistic into a furious act of political defiance.11 (ctd en Karim 208) 10

La subversión del logos en el teatro de Virgilio Piñera

be realized through significant acts. It is a cali to engagement in the collective political Ufe, the underlying aesthetic of much serious existential literature" (Ainslie Armstrong McLees, "Elements ... of Sartrian Philosophy in Electra Garrigó", Latín American Theatre Revie^v,!, 1973: 10). un mundo sin ley ni justicia. La cubanidad es trascendida con una vocación apertunsta y universalizadora que