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Ethics And Nihilism In The Philosophy Of Weak Thought Of Gianni Vattimo

ETHICS AND NIHILISM IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF WEAK THOUGHT OF GIANNI VATTIMO 0 Fr. Andrzej Kobyliński Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University , Warsaw We keep encountering the word “nihilism” in our ... . Introduction 2.The problem of nihilism in Italian philosophy Nihilism denotes a broadly-conceived cultural phenomenon in which the idea of nothingness plays a crucial role. Nihilism may thus be identified with

Axiology of the Ethical and Social Teachings of John Paul II: A Research Problem

social science, sociology, political sciences and at times philosophy, but never from the point of view of the theory of values. The research will be the first attempt to synthesize the axiological thought ... , Catholic social teaching, sociology, political science, a sometimes philosophy, while never from the point of view of the theory of values. If axiological problems appeared, it was usually only in the area

Etyka hipokratejska wobec innych nurtów etyki medycznej

goal of the analysis is to find an answer to the second question, i.e. to judge whether medical ethics can be developed without taking into account the philosophy of man and the metaphysics together with ... Hippocrates, also aims at answering two questions, namely, whether the ethics of Hippocrates is still valid, and whether medical ethics can be developed without taking into account the philosophy of man and

Znaczenie myśli filozoficznej Josefa Tvrdego (1877-1942)

T. G. Masaryk, after returning from Vienna to Prague, became a key figure in the philosophical and political life in the country. He exerted his influence on the formation of many philosophers, among ... significance of Tvrdy’s thought in rela-tion to the temporary philosophy and the philosophy of the interwar period. The author includes Tvrdy amo the most original philosophical writers in Slovakia and the Czech

Post-communism, liberalism and solidarity in the countries of central and eastern Europe after 1989

into various forms of democracy. The political project implemented in post-communist societies is a selective kind of liberalism, which entailed a number of negative consequences. Unfortunately, in the ... the individual and his rights. “That new political philosophy,” Krasnodębski writes, “the philosophy of peripheral democracy,hamperedtheemergenceofanyrationaldiscussionofthefundamental dilemmas facing

Turbulence around patriotism: philosophical perspective

The aim of the article is to determine the place of patriotism among other universal values and a philosophical reflection on its current formula. The analysis is based on the classical philosophy of ... Warsaw 1 Maria M. Boużyk 2 Religion. Polish School of Clasiccal Philosophy on the Role of Religion (i2n0E13d , uWcatrisoanw: patriotism; homeland; virtue; morality - ZAWIROWANIA WOKÓŁ PATRIOTYZMU

Ekologiczny wymiar kryzysu cywilizacji współczesnej w świetle myśli Karola Marksa

Karl Marx's thought – his philosophy continues to call for the well-being of nations through the ruthless use of nature and justifies progress understood in terms of imperialist anthropocentric

Members Gain Political Clout

. With more than 100,000 members, ASCP has clout. When ASCP bands together with like-minded societies, the profession as a whole gains political strength. ASCP has collaborated with numerous organizations ... of national, state, and local political representatives about the potential negative impact on the practice of medicine. Florida Licensure Issues ASCP scored an important victory for Florida

Hıristiyanlığın Kaynağı ve Karşıtı Olarak Stoa Felsefesi

God is a first cause and a governing mind in all natural stage, he is the reason of universe. This God is a fiery ether, as in the philosophy of Heraclitus, and in the end the material world dissolve

J. Tischnera myśl etyczno-społeczna jako polska odmiana compassio

This article attempts to demonstrate the relationships between a new political theology developing in the 20th century in Western Europe and the ethical-social thought of J. Tischner. The starting

Sünni ve Alevi Zazaların Siyasi Tercihleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz

This article aims to examine the political behaviors of Zazas of Turkey within the scope of their  sectarian differences. The basic thesis of this article is that the political behaviors of Zazas in ... . Demokrasinin niteliği toplumun siyasal katılım süreçlerine katılım düzeyleri ile doğru orantılıdır. Toplumdaki siyasal çatışma boyutları (political cleavages) seçmenin toplumsal katılım ve siyasal davranışlarını

Działalność oratoryjna salezjanów w okresie międzywojennym

creating the Polish statehood came across incredibly great problems. Everything was missing: political, economic, legal structures, uniform system of education. The already difficult situation was further

Agnostyczna interpretacja religii w twórczości filozoficznej Massima Cacciariego

One of the best known contemporary Italian philosophers is Massimo Cacciari (1944-), who participates actively in the public debate on political, bioethical or ideological issues. He is an agnostic ... -), who participates actively in the public debate on political, bioethical or ideological issues. He is a agnosticwithleft-liberalviews,maintainingapositiveattitudetowardsreligion.Inhisphilosophical

Arcybiskup Antoni Baraniak jako członek Episkopatu Polski, cz. II (1967-1977)

seventies, when both hierarchs managed to see through the deceptive declarations of Edward Gierek’s political party.

Walka o prawdę jako jeden z głównych problemów polskiej polityki historycznej

The importance of reflection on the most important aspects of political history and its goals should be strongly emphasized. The main role of that history is not just cultivating and remembering the ... aspects of political history and its goals shouldbestronglyemphasized.Themainroleofthathistoryisnotjustcultivatingandremembering

Why socialist realism? Space and propaganda – the birth of myth

as a result of the rejection of the constructivist conquest by the political establishment. The article goes back to the search not only of the definition but of the origin of socialist realism ... the nineteenth-century philosophy of Russian messianism due to a skillful transformation of the entire mythical triad which retained and sustained the three former pillars of Russia spirituality, i.e

Psyche Unveiled: A Palpable Example of Female Gothic Genre, Ann Radcliffe’s the Mysteries of Udolpho

in the eighteen-century England and makes political statements with regards to women while drawing a critical picture of the society. ... -standing place. In opposition to the rationality and strict morality that persistently haunted the eighteenth-century social and political life, Gothic novel shocked and aimed to excite readers by evoking

Salezjańskie harcerstwo w latach 1918-1939

damage, lack of political structures, or of one, unified legislation or education system. The situation was further complicated by the global economic crisis. The new authorities were aware that the issue

Dwa sposoby uprawiania filozofii wychowaniu

Philosophy serves pedagogy in many ways: in the study of the principles of education, for critical reflection on educational methods and to stimulate pedagogical self-reflection. There are two ... działania), rozwij skłonność do nieustannego mnożenia wątpliwości, osłabiać woli, utr-walając n umiejętność rozstrzygania i podejmowania decyzji. TWO WAYS OF PRACTICING PHILOSOPHY IN EDUCATION Philosophy

Działalność społeczno-polityczna Mykyty Bury w warunkach II Rzeczypospolitej

The article analyzes the social and political activity of the native of Rivne region, First World War veteran, Mykyta Bura, the cultural and educational aspects of his work, kinds of effort to the ... Rivne State Humanitarian University (Ukraine) ORCID ID: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF MYKYTA BURA IN THE AGE OF THE SECOND POLISH REPUBLIC 0 1 Ruslana Davydyuk, Doctor of Historical Sciences