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Search: Political Philosophy

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There is only one más: Spanish que/de comparative alternation

spellout . Dordrecht: Springer. Baker , Mark. 1988 . Incorporation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bale , Alan. 2008 . A universal scale of comparison . Linguistics and Philosophy 31 : 1 - 55 . https ... : Indefiniteness and islands . Linguistics and Philosophy 43 : 427 - 472 . Chierchia , Gennaro. 1998 . Reference to kinds across language . Natural Language Semantics 6 ( 4 ): 339 - 405 . Chomsky , Noam. 1957

Thinking without Heidegger?

taken seriously, first and foremost the indication that his anti-Semitism informs not only his personal beliefs and political stance but is already rooted in his philosophy, notably his ontology. It is ... Forum Pedagogiczne THIN K ING W ITHOU T HEIDEGGER? There has been a  resurgence of  Martin Heidegger's ideas in recent years, especially within English-language philosophy of education. Yet, there

Toward a Philosophy of Moral Education

“prosociality” and derived expressions. Therefore, it would be factually incorrect to assert that prosociality as a certain characteristic of human behaviour is beyond the interest of philosophy, more precisely ... ” in the history of philosophy. Among the classical sources of philosophising on “prosociality” are the most important representatives of Greek Antiquity (Plato, Aristotle), Christian Middle Ages (Greek


Studies about the Democratic Party, which had an important place in Turkish political life in the Republican era, were generally carried out by focusing on Adnan Menderes, while Celâl Bayar, who ... ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL Ahmet GÜLEN ÖZ Cumhuriyet devri Türk siyasal yaşamında önemli bir yere sahip olan Demokrat Parti ile ilgili araştırmalar genel olarak Adnan Menderes’i merkeze alarak yapılmış

Troska, zatroskanie, troskliwość – niespecyficzne przedmioty badań pedagogiki ogólnej

Referring to the current status of knowledge in the field of pedagogics and related sciences (especially philosophy, psychology, medicine, political sciences, theology), the author emphasizes the ... Naukowe. Held V. ( 1995 ). The Meshing of Care and Justice . Colorado: Westview Press. Held V. ( 2006 ). The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political and Global . Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Jan

Troska, zatroskanie, troskliwość – niespecyficzne przedmioty badań pedagogiki ogólnej

Referring to the current status of knowledge in the field of pedagogics and related sciences (especially philosophy, psychology, medicine, political sciences, theology), the author emphasizes the ... Naukowe. Held V. ( 1995 ). The Meshing of Care and Justice . Colorado: Westview Press. Held V. ( 2006 ). The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political and Global . Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Jan

Troska, zatroskanie, troskliwość – niespecyficzne przedmioty badań pedagogiki ogólnej

Referring to the current status of knowledge in the field of pedagogics and related sciences (especially philosophy, psychology, medicine, political sciences, theology), the author emphasizes the ... Naukowe. Held V. ( 1995 ). The Meshing of Care and Justice . Colorado: Westview Press. Held V. ( 2006 ). The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political and Global . Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Jan


Early republican period, the political and social mobility increases as well in Turkey is referred to as the beginning of a transformation phase. The modern and secular human model that the new ... cumhuriyet döneminin hâkim resmi ideolojik söyleminin bazı edebi kişiler tarafından kaleme aldıkları romanlarında neden ve nasıl işlediklerine dair teorik bir çerçevede Early republican period, the political

The Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement: The Beginning of the End of Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemony

:// Part of the Environmental Law Commons Recommended Citation Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemony, 18 Mo. Envtl. L. & Pol'y Rev. 282 (2011) Available at: ... . This article argues that the upper riparian states have introduced this international "legal" instrument not for its legal value but its political and counter-hegemonic value. The treaty is best

The Times are They a-Changin'?: What Kivalina says about the State of Environmental "Political Questions." Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp.

shutdown was symbolic of the frustration the nation experiences with today's political process in D.C., as many believe Washington is "broken" and nothing meaningful is ever accomplished. This current


The paper focuses on the role of the Ottoman Empire’s support of Galicia against the Russian’s invasion during World War I. The political situation of the Polish territories before the World War I, a ... Europe which became a pattern and a precursor of changes of political systems in many European countries after World War I. But this was perceived as a danger by three surrounding absolute monarchies. They

Pedagogika ogólna w ramie internalistycznej

departure from externalistic approaches and creation of the concept of philosophy of education in the internalistic frame. In the comments I give suggestions how this type of philosophy of education could be ... , pedagogical subject of philosophy of education. Mariusz Dembiński – dr hab., adiunkt w Zakładzie Pedagogiki Wydziału PedagogicznoArtystycznego w Kaliszu na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Adres

Pedagogika ogólna w ramie internalistycznej

departure from externalistic approaches and creation of the concept of philosophy of education in the internalistic frame. In the comments I give suggestions how this type of philosophy of education could be ... , pedagogical subject of philosophy of education. Mariusz Dembiński – dr hab., adiunkt w Zakładzie Pedagogiki Wydziału PedagogicznoArtystycznego w Kaliszu na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Adres

Pedagogika ogólna w ramie internalistycznej

departure from externalistic approaches and creation of the concept of philosophy of education in the internalistic frame. In the comments I give suggestions how this type of philosophy of education could be ... , pedagogical subject of philosophy of education. Mariusz Dembiński – dr hab., adiunkt w Zakładzie Pedagogiki Wydziału PedagogicznoArtystycznego w Kaliszu na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Adres

Pedagogika ogólna w ramie internalistycznej

departure from externalistic approaches and creation of the concept of philosophy of education in the internalistic frame. In the comments I give suggestions how this type of philosophy of education could be ... , pedagogical subject of philosophy of education. Mariusz Dembiński – dr hab., adiunkt w Zakładzie Pedagogiki Wydziału PedagogicznoArtystycznego w Kaliszu na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Adres


in the universities. The events sparked by the conflicting ideologies led to a power struggle for dominance between different political opinions and were transformed into a fight between the rightist ... interrupted by these events. With the political system failing to prevent the anarchic movements, a period of chaos overruled in the country. As a result of the failure on the part of the political system to


Spent approximately the last 200 years of our country's political, legal, social and cultural changes phases and the advent of the concept of laicism as a principle to know the process, today's

Erudycja jako cel szkolnej edukacji filozoficznej

Erudition can be one of objectives of school philosophical education. Philosophy teachers in secondary schools in Poland who in 2014 took part in a nationwide research on teaching philosophy in lower ... development and a starting point for posing questions. Key words: philosophy, philosophy teaching, school philosophical education, erudition, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills. Marcin

Erudycja jako cel szkolnej edukacji filozoficznej

Erudition can be one of objectives of school philosophical education. Philosophy teachers in secondary schools in Poland who in 2014 took part in a nationwide research on teaching philosophy in lower ... development and a starting point for posing questions. Key words: philosophy, philosophy teaching, school philosophical education, erudition, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills. Marcin

Erudycja jako cel szkolnej edukacji filozoficznej

Erudition can be one of objectives of school philosophical education. Philosophy teachers in secondary schools in Poland who in 2014 took part in a nationwide research on teaching philosophy in lower ... development and a starting point for posing questions. Key words: philosophy, philosophy teaching, school philosophical education, erudition, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills. Marcin