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Search: Political Philosophy

459 papers found.
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Hong Kong Adolescents’ Participation in Political Activities: Correlates of Violent Political Participation

The present study aimed to examine Hong Kong junior secondary school students’ participation in different types of political activities, to identify profiles of adolescents based on their political ... political participation during the social unrest in Hong Kong from a positive youth development perspective. A total of 2,016 students (age = 13.92 ± 1.10  years) recruited from 24 secondary schools in Hong

What Constitutes Well-being? Five Views Among Adult People from the Netherlands on what is Important for a Good Life

characteristics and into differences in views over time and between countries with different socio-economic, political and cultural environments. ... of the virus, has brought the political and societal debate about “what matters” in life even more to the fore (Bloom et al., 2021; Contestabile, 2020; Deaton & Schreyer, 2022; WHO, 2021) . Two

The Association between Subjective Well-being and Regime Type across 78 countries: the moderating role of Political Trust

This study investigates the association between regime type, political trust, and subjective well-being (SWB) in 78 countries. Differently from previous works, democracy was conceptualized in terms ... raised as to whether regime characteristics would be nonlinearly related to SWB. A second question was examined as to whether political trust could moderate the relationship between regime type and well

Law Abidance Leadership Education for University Students in Hong Kong: Subjective Outcome Evaluation

consistent with the educational philosophy on preparing university students to be law-abiding citizens as well as cultivating their ability to think critically about a certain issue. Dowell and Meidl (2016 ... , the more intimate classroom dynamic can also be beneficial for teachers to adopt an attentively balanced and strictly non-political approach to guide the discussion (Silliman, 2005) . That is

What are the Trends and Explanations of Perceived Social Mobility in Poland?

explanations of perceived social mobility, we explore two complementary datasets covering the period between the late 1990s and the late 2010s in Poland. Due to the major economic, political and social changes ... of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences , Warszawa , Poland There is an increasing interest in the subjective aspect of socioeconomic position and its implications for wellbeing across

There is only one más: Spanish que/de comparative alternation

spellout . Dordrecht: Springer. Baker , Mark. 1988 . Incorporation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bale , Alan. 2008 . A universal scale of comparison . Linguistics and Philosophy 31 : 1 - 55 . https ... : Indefiniteness and islands . Linguistics and Philosophy 43 : 427 - 472 . Chierchia , Gennaro. 1998 . Reference to kinds across language . Natural Language Semantics 6 ( 4 ): 339 - 405 . Chomsky , Noam. 1957

The Impact of Short-Term Study in China Programs: Voices of Hong Kong University Students

mainland China have distinctive cultures, socio-political systems, and dialects, which can be read as intercultural (Chee, 2012; Chu, 2009; Fairbrother, 2008) . Such programs are usually organized by ... program for American students taking place in China “profoundly altered the students’ cultural self-awareness and outlook on global political issues” (p. 151). Cubillos et al. (2008) reported that study

Life Satisfaction and Socio-Economic Vulnerability: Evidence from the Basic Income Experiment in Barcelona

-capitalist agenda . Basic Income Studies , 11 ( 1 ), 49 - 59 . Merrill , R. , Neves , C. , & Laín , B. ( 2021 ). The political philosophy and epistemology of basic income experiments . Palgrave Macmillan. Mies ... , economic, social, and political life of their polity, and challenge roles they regard as an insult to their dignity (Pateman, 2003) . Others yet argue that current economic configurations may constrain

Filial Piety, Generativity and Older Adults’ Wellbeing and Loneliness in Denmark and China

philosophy but often misinterpreted as conservative and conformist, and generativity, to qualitative studies of older adults in Denmark and China. The great potential of intergenerational ties is confirmed ... system of institutionalized care, as well as with regard to their culture-specific views of family life and parent-child relationships. We apply the notions of filial piety, known from Confucian philosophy

On Rule of Law, Civic Virtues, Trust, and Happiness

, political rights, and civil liberty (Veenhoven, 2000; Ovaska & Takashima, 2006) , a dummy for South American countries and post-communist countries ( Bjørnskov et al., 2007 , 2010; Helliwell, 2003 ... be significantly positively related to income class, employment status, and latitude, whereas it is negatively related to unemployment, religiosity, political rights, and post-communist countries

The Subjective and Psychological Well-Being of Children in South Africa: a Population-Based Study

analysis Background and Rationale Children in South Africa have a long-standing history of exposure to political violence, oppression, abuse, and neglect. Understanding children and childhood in South ... Africa is incomplete without reference to the oppressive regime of apartheid, a system of institutionalised racism. The apartheid legislative framework was based on a racist philosophy of segregation and

European Union Cohesion Policy: Socio-Economic Vulnerability of the Regions and the COVID-19 Shock

alter patterns of vulnerability. More specifically, increases in government expenditures in education and an improvement in political stability would reduce the regional vulnerability or foster the ... Framework aims at fostering a modernised regional development and cohesion policy focusing on five political goals so that the EU becomes: (1) smarter, through innovation and digitisation, (2) greener, (3


Studies about the Democratic Party, which had an important place in Turkish political life in the Republican era, were generally carried out by focusing on Adnan Menderes, while Celâl Bayar, who ... ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL Ahmet GÜLEN ÖZ Cumhuriyet devri Türk siyasal yaşamında önemli bir yere sahip olan Demokrat Parti ile ilgili araştırmalar genel olarak Adnan Menderes’i merkeze alarak yapılmış

Radicalism and Life Meaningfulness Among Hong Kong Youth

applicable law. Adorjan , M. , Khiatani , P. V. , & Chui , W. H. ( 2021 ). The rise and ongoing legacy of localism as collective identity in Hong Kong: Resinicisation anxieties and punishment of political ... /fam0000079. Berger , J. M. ( 2018 ). Extremism. Cambridge, MA: MIT. Bernstein , A. ( 2012 ). Capitalist solutions: a philosophy of american moral dilemmas . New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Bogg , R. A. ( 1999

Differences in Multi-Dimensional Well-Being Among Factory Workers: Evidence from Six Countries

Previous surveys have revealed that eight out of ten respondents throughout the world are “very or quite happy”; that wealth, human rights, political stability, and other markers of material security are ... around the world in recent years, especially in countries that have experienced social and political upheavals (Clifton, 2022) . Such variations across time and place challenge the “automatic habituation


Early republican period, the political and social mobility increases as well in Turkey is referred to as the beginning of a transformation phase. The modern and secular human model that the new ... cumhuriyet döneminin hâkim resmi ideolojik söyleminin bazı edebi kişiler tarafından kaleme aldıkları romanlarında neden ve nasıl işlediklerine dair teorik bir çerçevede Early republican period, the political

Biographical Sketch for Haybron

of a good life, particularly happiness and well-being, from the perspective of ethics, political philosophy, and psychology. These themes structure many of his papers and his 2008 book with Oxford ... philosophy. By age ten or eleven it was apparent to him that “mainland” life was quite insane. In 1989 he made the worst mistake of his life-at least, the worst he'll admit totrusting a Washington, DC junkyard

The Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement: The Beginning of the End of Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemony

:// Part of the Environmental Law Commons Recommended Citation Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemony, 18 Mo. Envtl. L. & Pol'y Rev. 282 (2011) Available at: ... . This article argues that the upper riparian states have introduced this international "legal" instrument not for its legal value but its political and counter-hegemonic value. The treaty is best

The Times are They a-Changin'?: What Kivalina says about the State of Environmental "Political Questions." Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp.

shutdown was symbolic of the frustration the nation experiences with today's political process in D.C., as many believe Washington is "broken" and nothing meaningful is ever accomplished. This current

Correction to: What are the Trends and Explanations of Perceived Social Mobility in Poland?

, University of Oxford , Oxford , UK 3 Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences , Warszawa , Poland The original version of this article unfortunately contained an incorrect Family name