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Search: Political Philosophy

749 papers found.
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News media framing of food poverty and insecurity in high-income countries: a rapid review

Food poverty and insecurity have become a public health emergency in many high-income countries. News media coverage can shape public and political views towards such issues. This rapid review ... Promotion Food poverty and insecurity are recognized social determinants of health and are associated with significant adverse health outcomes. Given news coverage can shape public and political views

Eflâtûn ve Aristoteles'in Politikaya Dair Görüşleri Açısından İbn Haldûn'un Mukaddime Metni

In this study, Ibn Khaldun's work al-Muqaddima is investigated in the context of basic Ancient texts which are relevant to the political philosophy. Firstly, whether Aristotle's book Politics is ... Aristotle‘s views. Key Words: Ibn Khaldun, al-Mukaddima, Political Philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Politics, Republic. Bu çalıĢmanın amacı, Ġbn Haldûn‘un Mukaddime adlı metninin, öncelikle iki Antik Yunan

Protecting children from unhealthy food marketing: a comparative policy analysis in Australia, Fiji and Thailand

growth. In general, studies of marketing restrictions have identified strong coalitions, which are backed by political leadership and comprised of multisectoral partnerships at all levels of government ... notable difference across countries. In Australia, a perceived political risk arising from the impact of increased regulation on media actors was identified for government, by an interviewee in the

Positive Philosophy in the View of Risale-i Nur

This study try to discover the positive philosophy in al Nour Letters which created by Saeed al Noursi. Although these letters tried to ignore the philosophy and to stay that in a negative way, So

Under the influence: system-level effects of alcohol industry-funded health information organizations

ongoing corporate political activity, requires a greater policy alignment with approaches to dealing with the threat to public health posed by the tobacco industry (McCambridge and Morris, 2019), including ... political activity. They produce content that echoes industry discourses of ‘misuse’ and ‘personal responsibility’ (Smith et al., 2006; Maani Hessari and Petticrew, 2018), and convey misinformation regarding

Media coverage of commercial industry activities impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, 2018–2022

across various social, political and economic domains (Carson et al., 2007). These historical and structural determinants have contributed to the health and social inequities experienced by Indigenous ... marketing of health-harming products; corporate political activity, such as lobbying; and corporate social responsibility (CSR) tactics (Kickbusch et al., 2016). Our recent systematic review examining the

Equipping youth for meaningful policy engagement: an environmental scan

*’, ‘policy’ and ‘policy training’. Thirteen English language training programmes met inclusion criteria. Analysis identified marked differences in programme philosophy and focus by geographic region and ... participation in policy processes, is growing. The UN World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) affirmed the full and effective social and political engagement of youth, including engagement in economic, social

Getting to Tobacco 21: an all-policy consensus is needed to reduce unintended consequences

prices within the EU when leaving the UK. In Ireland, the political debate focused on ensuring adherence to allowances and ignoring the lower age limit for legal sales—reported as 17 years (Oireachtas

Process and experience of youth researchers within a Health Promoting Schools study in Nova Scotia, Canada

) Philosophy in mixed methods teaching: the transformative paradigm as illustration . International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches , 4 , 9 – 18 . Google Scholar Crossref Search ADS WorldCat

Systems thinking and complexity: considerations for health promoting schools

The health promoting schools concept reflects a comprehensive and integrated philosophy to improving student and personnel health and well-being. Conceptualized as a configuration of interacting ... health outcomes in complex settings. These complex systems interventions are embedded in intricate arrangements of physical, biological, ecological, social, political and organizational relationships

The political ecosystem of health literacies

by Lloyd et al., the preference for ?patient? among visitors of health services was as high as 87%, and medical doctors used to favour the term unequivocally. Perhaps for reasons of political ... to access, understand and interact with social and political determinants of health and their social discourse also requires a new appreciation of the political ecosystem in health promotion. Very

Göstergebilimin Serüveni

Linguistic philosophy has become one of the most popular study fields that has overstepped the borders of philosophy in the twentieth century. 1960s are the years of vehement discussions between ... second half of the 1960s. This paper aims at describing how semiotics has emerged as a result of debates in the language philosophy by examining the first philosophical texts and current discussions

Unmasking leadership

political—masses) like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. For rejecting individuals and institutions like Paul Ehrlich, Trevor Hancock, the Club of Rome and the early volumes of reporting by the ... councils the world over. Is the indolence and failure to respond, as many argue, to be attributed to a lack of leadership and political will? The literature is rife with further maxims that offer

İdeolojinin Kur’ân Yorumuna Yansıması -Mevdûdî’nin Yûsuf Sûresi 76. Âyetini Tefsiri Özelinde-

Each mufassir has been influenced by the political, social and cultural environment of his time. In addition to this, when his knowledge, ideology, priorities and indispensables for his system of ... interpretations of the Qur'anic verses that are contrary to the historical context of verses. In accordance with the new political environment that emerged in the post-colonial period of Indian subcontinent

Cumhuriyet Dönemi Lise Felsefe Müfredatlarında Din Algısı ve İdeolojik Arka Plan

A top title under which republic, education, philosophy and religion are used together must be interesting for people who are interested in the issue as key concepts in explaining the course of ... Mütefekkir CUMHURĠYET DÖNEMĠ LĠSE FELSEFE MÜFREDATLARINDA DĠN ALGISI VE ĠDEOLOJĠK ARKA PLAN* Osman Zahid ÇĠFÇĠ 0 /Zübeyir OVACIK 0 0 Perception of the Religion in High School Philosophy Curriculum

What works in sanitation promotion?

effort is an explicit political agenda (Ledwith, 2020), frequently tied to notions of liberation and participatory action, although just as often, the concept of community development is criticized for

Emmanuel Levinas Felsefesinde “Başkalık ve Aynılık” Problemi

Western Philosophy, the basis of Levinas philosophy refers to ethical relationship rather than ontology. Due to the fact that this ethical relationship will also be the ground for the relationship between ... only be realized at the level of language, and the basis of Levinas philosophy also rests on the level of ethical language practiced with Other. Furthermore, since ethics also brings the notion of

The historical origins of the basic concepts of health promotion and education: the role of ancient Greek philosophy and medicine

philosophy. This separation of medicine from religion points to another distinctive feature of Greek healing: its openness, a quality of Greek intellectual activity, which it owed to political diversity and ... ) Philosophy , Politics, Autonomy. Essays in Political Philosophy. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Corey , L. , Epstein , M. and Saltman , S. ( 1977 ) Medicine in a Changing Society . The C.V. Mosby Company

Hz. Peygamber’in İslâm Tebliğine Karşı Şair ve Siyasî Liderlerin İlk Tavırları ve Şiir Alanında Yaşanan Gelişmeler

Political leaders and poets are important figures of societies. Political leaders hold the financial and administrative power of the society and poets hold the power of emotion and excitement in ... hands. The situation is not different for Arab society just before Islam. Tribal leaders and poets have highstatus. However, the principles of Islam took the various privileges of the Arab political

COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy: ambiguity in decision-making

elusive and divergent field for decisions to fester. COVID-19 vaccination decision-making factors have been linked, for instance, to political affiliation, ideological and partisan beliefs and